For the Week 3 Written Assignment, you will be writing your Final 1000 word essa

For the Week 3 Written Assignment, you will be writing your Final 1000 word essay.  You will continue your process of evaluating and responding to one of the three selected essays (the same essay that you have been working on in weeks 1 and 2)
You should write on one of the following essays (the same essay that you have been working on in weeks 1 and 2) from your Norton Field Guide: Representation of Disney Princesses in the Media, Isabelle Gill, p. 759
The body portion of your essay should include the following: 8 paragraphs total, one paragraph (5-8 sentences) for each response (make sure your paragraphs start with a half inch indentation).  **Your paragraphs should be presented in your essay in the order that they are listed below (do not combine paragraphs).Your essay should include the following:
An introduction to the topic and article. A thesis should end your introduction
A summary of your selected essay
A discussion of the author’s purpose or goal and evidence used
A discussion of the author’s writing strategy and why the author may have used this strategy
Your response to the essay and its topic
An introduction of a Keiser University Library source to support your view
A discussion of the audience, a possible objection, and your counterargument 
A conclusion
1000 words (minimum)
A Minimum of two sources with in-text citations (including your selected essay + a library source)
Attach a Microsoft Word document formatted to APA standards, including title page and a reference page.
All papers must be Microsoft Word documents.
The paper is double-spaced in Times New Roman, size 12, and has no extra spaces between the paragraphs.
The paper uses one-inch margins and half-inch indentions for the beginning of paragraphs. You can set this up in Microsoft Word to automatically default to these settings for your paper.
Your paper should include title page, body text, and a reference page.
Gill, I. (2017). Representation of Disney Princesses in the Media. In R. Bullock, M. Daly Goggin, & F. Weinberg (Eds.) The Norton field guide to writing with readings (6th ed.) (pp. 759-792), WW Norton.
Higgs, S. (2016). Damsels in development:
representation, transition and the Disney princess. Screen Education,
(83), 62+.