For this assignment, you will complete the sixth section and a portion of the se

For this assignment, you will complete the sixth section and a portion of the seventh section of your Project Plan, describing how you will collect data and recruit participants.
First, consider the information you’ll need to answer your project questions. What are the best ways to gather and measure this data? Remember that your data sources must be aligned with the methodological approach chosen for your project. In this section, you will address the concepts being measured as well as the data collection process and/or measurement. Two main points to take into account are the feasibility of your data collection plan and how well your plan will assess the key concepts needed to answer your question. You must also demonstrate your understanding of data credibility and present a strong plan for reducing threats to reliability, validity, and/or trustworthiness.
Next, you will develop plans for sampling and participant recruitment to collect the data for your project. Where are the best places to obtain your data? Consider the number of participants needed in the context of the methodology. Choose a feasible target for your sample without compromising the integrity of your project.
Finally, you will address recruitment procedures. By now, you should have completed or scheduled a consultation with the IRB to discuss ethical considerations related to your Project Plan, particularly in participant recruitment. Incorporate their suggestions, as well as the information on the IRB RecruitmentLinks to an external site. page, in developing this section of your plan.
Refer to the Virtual ResidencyLinks to an external site. Campus page for your PhD or Professional Doctorate program’s Project Plan Guide. Remember, the Project Plan helps you develop the details of your project. Your work will be viewed through multiple lenses, including those of instructors, peers, the existing literature, and other sources. You should seek opportunities to refine your work. As you deepen your understanding and add detail to your project, you should expect to make several revisions during and beyond this course. Doctoral project planning is an iterative process, with each revision often inspiring further revisions until all elements are aligned. These iterations are a customary part of the doctoral journey.
Consult the Project Plan Guides provided by your program for specific expectations for the following sections. Be sure to update your reference list as you add resources to support your project development.
Measures or Artifacts:
Describe the instruments, data collection procedures, tools, or artifacts that will be used to answer your questions. For each means of collecting data, explain:
Concepts that will be measured.
How these concepts relate to the constructs, phenomena, and variables identified in the last section.
Be sure that each of your constructs, phenomena, and variables has at least one corresponding measure.
Detailed Procedures:
For each of the measures identified, provide clear, thorough, step-by-step instructions for how the measure is to be implemented. Depending on the type of measures, considerations may include:
Who will use the measure (participants, observers, researcher)?
How will the measure be collected (interview, direct observation, existing records)?
What materials or tools may be needed (software, recording devices, other)?
What are potential barriers to data collection, and how will you proactively avoid barriers such as participant attrition, difficulty obtaining records, equipment failure?
Validity, Reliability, Credibility:
For each of the measures identified, provide a plan for protecting against threats to data dependability. Depending on the methodology of the research and data collection procedures, considerations may include reliability, validity, and/or trustworthiness.
Sampling Strategy:
Determine the number of participants you will need to conduct your project based on the methodology and design identified in the fifth section. Explain exactly how you arrived at this number of participants, including any relevant statistical analyses and/or field-related standards. Briefly discuss the benefits and potential limitations of using a sample of the proposed size. Depending on your methodology, considerations may include sufficiency of power, likelihood of errors, potential for data loss, and credibility of data presentation.
Recruitment Procedures:
Provide a thorough description of your proposed recruitment process. Be sure to follow the guidelines on the IRB Recruitment page to ensure that you are proposing an acceptable process. Include each of the following components in this section:
Inclusion and exclusion criteria for participants, including rationale for each criterion.
Remember that exclusion criteria are not meant to mirror inclusion criteria, but rather to identify conditions under which someone who otherwise meets inclusion criteria would be unable to participate. For instance, if inclusion criteria is age range 18–25, exclusion criteria would not be “anyone older than 25” but perhaps someone who is 18–25 who also has an interfering medical or mental health condition.
Recruitment strategy, such as online notices, direct emails, phone calls, snowball sampling.
Sample recruitment material, such as flyer, script for phone call, or email text. Be sure to review the guidelines for required elements for recruitment materials on the IRB Recruitment page on Campus.
Description of the sites or organizations you seek to use for recruitment and explanation of the permissions process to recruit from this site or organization.
Include your connection with the recruitment site, if any.
Description of any potential conflict of interest, or statement that no conflict of interest is anticipated and why you believe this is the case.
Thorough description of the recruitment plan, including:
How initial contact will be made with potential participants.
How participants will be screened for inclusion/exclusion criteria.
When and how informed consent will be obtained from participants.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Format: Use your Project Plan div and refer to the Virtual ResidencyLinks to an external site. Campus page for your PhD or Professional Doctorate program’s Project Plan Guide.
Resources: Use scholarly references including most recent and seminal research. Use primary sources. Include in Reference section at the end of the paper.
APA guidelines: When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings. Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and format. Refer to Academic WriterLinks to an external site. as needed.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points, double-spaced.
Read the assignment rubric to ensure that you meet all criteria, and use the Project Plan Alignment Tracking and The Alignment Map: Guiding Questions media pieces to evaluate how well the pieces of your plan fit together. Answer the questions truthfully and adjust as needed.
Use Microsoft EditorLinks to an external site. to help correct errors with grammar, usage, and writing mechanics.
To strengthen your writing, use the Turnitin results to revise your work before submitting it for grading.
Portfolio Prompt: Consider adding this assignment to your personal ePortfolio. This assignment demonstrates your ability to describe how you will collect data and recruit participants as part of your Project Plan. For more information on ePortfolio, visit the Campus ePortfolioLinks to an external site. page.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and rubric criteria:
Competency 1: Apply advanced critical thinking skills in the independent research process.
Describe a plan for protecting against threats to data dependability.
Competency 2: Integrate credible scholarly literature to support ideas and concepts in independent research.
Describe the number of participants, rationale for the number, benefits, and potential limitations to the proposed sample size based on the methodology or design.
Competency 3: Develop a methodological approach to support a problem appropriate for independent research.
Describe the instruments, data collection procedures, tools, or artifacts used for the questions.
Describe the processes to implement the measure by the participants, observers, or researcher.
Competency 4: Evaluate various methods of data analysis for a problem appropriate for independent research.
Describe the proposed recruitment process and plan.
Competency 6: Write in accordance with the academic and professional requirements of the discipline during the research process ensuring appropriate structure, grammar, usage, and style.
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
View Rubric