For this assignment, you will select one of the case scenarios provided in Riverbend City: Case Scenarios Part 1 and analyze assessment tools that would support the diagnostic process for both the substance use and mental health issues presented. You are encouraged to focus on the assessments for substance use and mental health issues covered in Chapter 2 of the Substance Use Disorders and Addictions text, which you can find in the Week 5: Substance Use Disorders and AddictionsLinks to an external site. reading list. This assignment sets the stage for the formulation of the treatment plan in Week 9 assignment.
Assignment Instructions
Consider scholarly literature for your selected assessment to analyze the level of appropriateness of the tool to assess clients from diverse backgrounds. The Counseling Masters Research GuideLinks to an external site. will help you in searching for scholarly articles.
Include information that would be needed to formulate a differential diagnosis.
Formulate a provisional diagnosis following the DSM-5-TR criteria using the assessment template provided including a concise summary.
Follow the Week 5 Template [DOC] to address client strengths, challenges, and level of care. You are encouraged to use course readings to support your assessment strategy. Please note that optional articles can be easily accessed by copying and pasting the title of the article into the search box for Summon on the landing page of the Capella University Library.
Assignment Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is thoughtful and free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to the current APA style and formatting. Refer to Evidence and APALinks to an external site. and Mental Measurements Yearbook: CitingLinks to an external site..
Number of resources: Minimum of six scholarly sources. Distinguished submissions will likely exceed this number.
Length of paper: 6–8 typed, double-spaced pages. Additionally, a title page and references page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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