GER510: Decades of research have shown that being surrounded by trees is good for us: Applied Research in Gerontology Assignment, SUSS

Question 1

Decades of research have shown that being surrounded by trees is good for us. Studies also suggest that older adults health may improve with naturebased activities. Encouraged by such research, you see great potential in using Singapores urban greenery to enhance older adults quality of life. Given our local climate, you prefer indoor gardens. As a first step, you
want to discover how the Pioneer Generation engages with greenery in indoor spaces open to the public. You recognise the value of capturing as is how they occupy such spaces.

Apply knowledge and skills gleaned from GER510 to design a research proposal for conducting a sixmonth study using:
• either a qualitative descriptive ethnographic design

• or a quantitative descriptive observational design.

Whether you plan a qualitative or quantitative study, your data collection site(s) would be local indoor garden(s). The observations should be naturalistic, with no interventions or engagement with the observed persons. You are encouraged to augment inperson observations with appropriate tools and equipment.

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Respond to the following prompts to structure your research proposal. Wherever appropriate, cite scholarly sources.

a) Rationale for the study: What does past research say about urban greenery and older adults? Construct and synthesize a brief literature review of research studies on the topic. Limit your review to six to eight of the most relevant peerreviewed journal articles. Evaluate the methodology of the shortlisted articles. To keep within the overall word limit, do not present your search strategy. With your review, make a compelling case for your proposed study.

b) Research questions: Extending from the given purpose for your study, craft three research questions. The research questions phraseology should align with your selected design. Provide, glossarystyle, three to four operational definitions of key concepts.

c) Methodology: How will you conduct the study? Present your action plan as follows:

o Study design

o Site sampling (selection)

o Data collection methods & instrument(s)

o Data analysis plan

o Ethical considerations. (30 marks)

d) Opportunity cost of design choice: Compare and contrast your selected design with the other option given for this ECA. What are some strengths and limitations of your chosen design in relation to the other design? Considering the opportunity cost of your choice, why did you pick the design that you propose?

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