Hello this assignment has 3 parts. The first part  is a response to the discussi

Hello this assignment has 3 parts. The first part  is a response to the discussion questions in a main post ( minimum 300 words), next is 2 separate responses to at least 2 peers’ postings (75 words). Thanks in advance!
main post:
The following quality assurance indicators can be found in resident care:
Risk assessment
Administrators or designees must be able to identify and lessen risk within a facility.
From your experience, describe some of the risks or potential risk areas that you have seen during a visit to a hospital, residential facility, clinic, or any health services organization.
How can those types of risks be avoided?
In your replies to others, compare experiences and offer alternatives for how risks can be avoided.
1st peer post:
The following quality assurance indicators can be found in resident care:
Risk assessment
Administrators or designees must be able to identify and lessen risk within a facility.
From your experience, describe some of the risks or potential risk areas that you have seen during a visit to a hospital, residential facility, clinic, or any health services organization.
How can those types of risks be avoided?
Grand rising! I know I am super early but I did not want to risk forgetting to post. These coming weeks I am going on vacation and I am scheduled to have surgery. Without further ado, let me begin. 
I can absolutely share some insights on this topic! During my visits personally and as CNA to healthcare facilities, I have noticed some common risk areas that may include medication errors, patient falls, infections, and communication breakdowns among staff. To avoid medication error risks there needs to be the implementation of double-check procedures, the use of technology like barcode scanning, and providing thorough staff training on medication administration protocols. To avoid patient falls, conduction of fall risk assessments is needed, we must ensure clear pathways, provide mobility aids, and have attentive staff to assist patients at risk of falling. The risk of infections is simply maintaining strict hygiene protocols, promoting hand washing, regularly sanitizing high-touch surfaces, and following proper infection control practices. Communication Breakdowns involve encouraging open communication among staff, establishing clear protocols for sharing patient information, conducting regular staff meetings, and utilizing communication tools like electronic health records. By proactively addressing these areas through risk assessments, mitigation strategies, and preventive measures, administrators can help enhance the quality of care and safety within healthcare facilities.
There are a variety of living situations for senior citizens, as follows (ActiveCare, 2012): 
Remote health monitoring is one of them. You would think that assessments, mitigation, and risk would not be a major factor, but they are. The average monthly fee is $159–$359. It provides health monitoring technologies that gather and relay health data to a care provider. 64.5% of home nurse visits can be done through remote health monitoring. Health assessments are vital in this setting because every 1 in 3 seniors will fall this year. The services involved in remote health monitoring are medical monitoring, well-being monitoring, emergency services, fall detection, in-home care, and medication monitoring. 
ActiveCare. (2012). The golden years: Senior living situations [Image file]. Retrieved from the visual.ly Web site: http://visual.ly/golden-years-senior-living-situations 
2nd peer post:
From your experience, describe some of the risks or potential risk areas that you have seen during a visit to a hospital, residential facility, clinic, or any health services organization.
For my experience at hospital in Iowa and Fargo most of these risks I would recommend patient safety precautions as well in case of visiting these areas it’s very dangerous and can lead to serious complications such as a sudden loss of appetite in the patient health for my experience in these two hospitals they don’t treated patients with respect and care they just want to get their hour done and go home to there kids how will you let’s your patients suffer and not even pay attention in this situation because your family is more important than your job these hospitals have been no functional safety measures that you have a nurse who don’t care about here patient only cares about social media want everyone else to know she is a nurse or a CNA but not doing anything just text her friend but her patient is asking her about when is the doctor is visiting but she not paying attention to the patient but only the amount of information she gets on the network everyday this very risked and we see as non functional patient healthcare providers if your instructor to a patient who your doctor is providing care for don’t focus on your phone or anything until your ready to leave because if that patient is hurt even break a bone in any department your responsibility for that patient and how will these nurses let’s these CNA go to a hospital with there phone and can’t even put it down until break