“Here is your review guide for your final exam.
You will answer 4 questions of your own choice (do not answer all 5).
The map is now extra credit and will open during your submit your exam period
It is the Republics of the former Soviet Union.
Final Exam
History of the 20th Century
Review Guide
Compare and contrast the ways in which two Asian societies mobilized resistance to European imperialism.
2. Given the enormous military superiority of the United States at the end of WWII, do you think it would have been possible to avoid the postwar division of the world into two hostile camps? Did the United States fail to use its power effectively? Why or why not? _____________________________________________________________(10)
3. To what extent was the Cold War an ideological conflict? To what extent did it center on other Issues? _____________________________________________________________(11)
4. Compare and contrast the experiences of at least three different Eastern European countries and/or Soviet republics in the transition from communist rule. What have been some of the problems? Successes? _____________________________________________________________(12)
5. Discuss at least three causes for the rise to political importance of radical Islamists in so many countries of the Middle East. What forms of resistance have they met within these countries?
6. Have the last twenty years been characterized by greater of lesser global integration in political and economic affairs?
I need any four of these answered in detail and accurately – i attached the textbook we use in class and notes to get information for these answers please use dates, etc..
DON’T cite anything, just make it well informative and use the correct fact – and answer the questions properly
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