HFS306 Describe the user activity you have selected: the objective of the activity and the environment/context: User Centred Design for Interactive Systems Assignment, SUSS

Question 1

(a) Describe the user activity you have selected: the objective of the activity and the environment/context it takes place in. Describe the interactive system that is involved in the activity: when it is used and what it is used for. (8 marks)

(b) Describe the initial focus of your contextual inquiry by identifying THREE (3) different aspects about the user activity and/or the interactive system that you want to understand more about from the contextual inquiry. For each aspect:

Explain why it is important.
Write down the words of an interview question that you will pose to the user about that aspect. (12 marks)

(c) Describe FIVE (5) different findings from the contextual inquiry. For each finding:

Describe what you observed and/or what the user demonstrated to you. Include CLEAR photos(s) that you have personally taken and/or drawings/diagrams.
Describe what are your further insights/interpretations from what you observed and/or what the user demonstrated to you.
Explain how it will help you redesign the existing interactive system or design a new interactive system for the user activity.

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