Hi, all the information about the assigment is under the file ‘assessment brief’

Hi, all the information about the assigment is under the file ‘assessment brief’theres 2 section the first section is 1000 words and section b is also 1000 words please look at the words limit and marking criteria grade 90-100 and makesure you have add everything.
The module name is careers in accounting, economics and finance.
I’m a second year student who is studing finance and investment management in qatar i would like you to make relevant and shows that a year 2 student has written this.
What i have done during this course:
-Commercial awareness for fiance students and career resoucres
-CVs and cover letters
-Employibility and social media
-Psychometric testing (I will share a link if you would like to add this experience on the assigment theres a small quiz that you can screenshot when done and add it as appendencies this is optional) https://www.assessmentday.co.uk/abintegro/tests/Numerical/Test1/link.php?userid=THhhZjMybUFIMmVsK0M1UTVsUVZCTzluWXJZcWZvWUV6bkNEcDhsU2Yzaz01&testID=120
Examples of students last year i have uploaded there are 5 examples.
I also have uploaded one of my group presentation powerpoint that we have been working on as a group that you could mention.
Please add table of conbtent and references page.
Avoid plagairsm.
Add appendinces please
–I have uploaded an excel sheet you can add but dont add all just add few and add to it you can see that other studnets from last year has uploaded some if you look at their appendencies page and also i have uploaded another excel sheet names “SMART target’ you can add also but add to it a short sentence.
Please look at the marking criteria on the assessment brief document and aim for the 90-100 make sure you have covered everthing.