Hi, I need you to write a professional report you should first read this and vis

Hi, I need you to write a professional report you should first read this and visit the link in the bottom to write about it: ” This week you learned about digital forensic processes and procedures. One of the lectures specifically focused on the methodology of a digital forensic investigation. This methodology contains nine steps: intake, identification, preparation, isolation, processing, verification, documentation/reporting, presentation, and archiving.

Imagine you are a digital forensics investigator who is approached to work on the case involving Bryan Kohberger, who is accused of murdering four University of Idaho students last November. As part of the investigation you are given a cell phone belonging to Kohberger and IoT devices belonging to the victims. The prosecution would like for you to locate evidence that places Kohberger at the scene of the crime.

As the investigator, you will be going through each of the nine steps mentioned above. Please consider and describe in detail the relationship of each step to the case. Among your discussion points should be an explanation of why each step is important to this case, things that need to be done during each step, and how each step will be successfully completed before moving on to the next. In your paper, each step should be organized as its own section.

Before you begin, please read about the Kohberger case here:


After you have done reading I want you to enhance and expand my report that I attached by adding some parts like an introduction, body, summary, and references as well to make it a professional report