How to Conclude an Essay (With Tips and Examples)

Introduction to Writing an Essay Conclusion

An in-depth analysis of how to write a conclusion for your essay.

If you’ve been weaving a compelling narrative or argument throughout your essay, the question arises: how do you ensure you can tie it all together effectively? This question is synonymous with understanding how to write a conclusion for an essay. A conclusion is your final opportunity to summarize your points and leave a lasting impression on your readers. It’s the last part your reader will process; hence, it should resonate, compelling them to think further about the topic or remember your argument.

So, how do you write a conclusion to elevate your essay from good to outstanding? It’s all about effectively synthesizing the points you made in your essay and making a powerful final statement that encapsulates your main idea and perspective, and here’s how you can master this art.

What is an Essay Conclusion?

An essay conclusion is essentially the final part of your essay. It plays a crucial role in wrapping up your essay’s argument and signaling to the reader that the discussion is ending. However, understanding what an essay conclusion is extends beyond its simple definition.

The conclusion is the bookend to your introduction, providing closure to your readers. This doesn’t mean it merely repeats the points made earlier. Instead, an essay conclusion reaffirms your thesis and your arguments in a new light, considering the journey you’ve taken your reader on throughout the body of your essay.

An essay conclusion is not just a summary but synthesizes the information you have provided throughout the essay. It combines your main points and arguments, showing the reader how they all connect to support your thesis. It’s your final analysis or inference based on the evidence you’ve presented, offering a holistic view of your topic.

Moreover, an essay conclusion lets you leave your readers with a lasting impression and a final perspective on your topic. Your closing argument, the final stroke, can sway your reader’s thoughts, making your essay truly impactful. This is your last chance to influence your reader’s views, instigate further thought, or evoke a certain emotion.

The Purpose of a Conclusion

A conclusion serves a number of purposes in an essay:

Restates a Paper’s Thesis and Explain Why It’s Important: The conclusion restates the thesis statement from a fresh perspective after taking into account the arguments and evidence provided in the essay. It reaffirms the significance of the topic at hand, offering a more holistic understanding of the issue.

Synthesizes the Essay’s Arguments: The conclusion brings together the various strands of arguments presented throughout the essay, providing a synthesized understanding of the topic. It shows how the different parts relate to each other and contribute to the overall argument.

Opens up New Questions: While your conclusion provides answers, it can also open up new avenues of inquiry. It can propose areas for further research or consideration, keeping the intellectual dialogue going.

Addresses Limitations: Acknowledging the limitations of your essay exhibits intellectual honesty and enhances your credibility. It helps readers understand the scope of your analysis and argument.

Makes a Call to Action: In some essays, especially persuasive or argumentative ones, the conclusion might include a call to action – a statement encouraging readers to take a particular course of action based on your provided evidence.

Do’s and Don’ts on How to Write a Conclusion For an Essay

The conclusion is your last opportunity to bring your essay to a satisfying close, leaving a lasting impression on your reader. To do this effectively, it’s crucial to know the do’s and don’ts of writing an essay’s conclusion. Understanding these can mean the difference between a memorable, impactful conclusion and one that falls flat.

The Do’s:

Restate Your Thesis Statement and Main Arguments

In your conclusion, you should restate your thesis and main arguments to remind the reader of your position. But remember, this isn’t about simply repeating yourself. It’s about reframing your arguments in light of the discussion that has taken place in the body of your essay.

Summarize Your Key Points

Offer a brief summary of the key points you made throughout your essay. Show how these points work together to support your thesis. This helps to reinforce your argument in the reader’s mind.

Offer Insights, Predictions, or Recommendations for Further Research

Use your conclusion to delve deeper, offering insights or predictions based on your discussion. If your topic is research-oriented, suggest areas that could benefit from further exploration.

Create a Connection with Your Introduction

Just as the conclusion should restate the thesis from your introduction, creating a further connection between the two can help bring your essay full circle. Referencing your introduction in your conclusion can create a satisfying sense of balance.

The Don’ts:

Introduce New Arguments or Points

The conclusion isn’t the place to introduce new arguments or points. Its purpose is to summarize and synthesize what you’ve already discussed.

Simply Repeat Your Introduction Verbatim

While it’s important to restate your thesis and create a connection with your introduction, avoid simply repeating it word for word. Rephrase your ideas and present them in a fresh light.

Undermine Your Arguments

Avoid using phrases that undermine your arguments, such as “this might be wrong but…”. The conclusion should reaffirm your thesis and main points with confidence.

Use Overly Emotional or Subjective Statements

Avoid overly emotional or subjective statements unless it’s relevant to your topic or argument. Maintain a balanced, objective tone to keep your conclusion strong and effective.

Crafting the Perfect Conclusion Outline

When writing an essay conclusion, following a structured approach is crucial. Having a clear conclusion outline can guide you through the process, ensuring your conclusion is comprehensive, coherent, and impactful. An effective conclusion typically consists of three main components: a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a closing sentence.

Topic Sentence

The topic sentence of your conclusion should restate your thesis in a new and fresh way. This is more than mere repetition; it involves taking a fresh look at the thesis statement in light of the arguments and evidence in your essay’s body. Restating your thesis in the conclusion reminds your readers of your main argument and prepares them for the conclusion’s summary and synthesis.

Supporting Sentences

Following your topic sentence, the supporting sentences serve a vital role in tying together your main points. This is where the crux of your conclusion lies. You should recap the key arguments you have made throughout your essay, emphasizing how they support your thesis.

But remember, your conclusion should do more than just summarize your essay. You need to synthesize the information, showing how your essay’s different pieces fit together to form a cohesive whole. This synthesis of information provides a more profound insight into your topic and reinforces your overall argument.

Closing Sentence

The closing sentence is essentially your last word on the subject; it’s your “clincher”. This sentence should leave a strong impression on your reader, emphasizing the relevance and importance of your arguments. Whether it’s a final thought, a provocative question, a future prediction, or a call to action, your closing sentence should pack a punch, providing closure and leaving your reader thinking about your essay long after they’ve finished reading it.

Knowing how to write a conclusion for an essay involves understanding this structure and using it effectively. By using this outline to shape your conclusion, you can ensure that your essay ends on a strong note, reinforcing your arguments and leaving a lasting impression on your readers.

How to Write a Conclusion for an Essay: The Steps

Knowing how to write a conclusion for an essay is as important as any other part of your writing process. A compelling conclusion leaves a lasting impression on your readers, satisfying your narrative’s end. To craft a conclusion that is concise, compelling, and insightful, consider following these steps:

Restate the Thesis Statement and Introduction

The first step to writing an effective conclusion is to restate your thesis statement. However, this doesn’t mean copying your thesis verbatim from the introduction. Rather, you should revisit it with a fresh perspective, taking into account all the arguments and evidence you’ve presented throughout your essay. This reaffirms your stance and prepares your reader for the following summary and synthesis.

Create a Connection between the Opening and Closing

For a truly compelling conclusion, aim to reflect your introduction in your closing remarks. If you started your essay with an interesting hook, anecdote, or question, reference it again in your conclusion. This creates a satisfying sense of full circle for your readers, reinforcing the coherence and completeness of your essay.

Revise and Summarize the Main Points

One of the primary roles of your conclusion is to summarize the main points you’ve made in your essay. However, instead of simply repeating these points, aim to show how they fit together. Synthesize your arguments, highlighting their interconnectedness and the strength they lend to your thesis. By revisiting these main points in light of each other, you’ll be able to demonstrate their collective significance and the overall implications of your findings in the context of your field of study.

Provide an Insight and Call to Action

Finally, aim to leave your readers with some food for thought. Whether this is an open-ended question, an inspiring quote, or a call to action, this final insight should invite further contemplation on the topic. It should provoke your readers to reflect on your essay and the issues it has raised, ensuring your work resonates with them even after they’ve finished reading.

Top Strategies for Crafting a Stellar Conclusion

Writing an impactful conclusion involves more than just summarizing your points. It’s about leaving a lasting impression, tying your new ideas together, and giving your reader a sense of closure. Here are some proven strategies on how to write a good conclusion for an essay that resonates with your readers.

Predict Things to Come

One effective strategy is to predict future outcomes based on the issues discussed in your essay. If your essay addresses a particular problem or question, speculate on what could happen if this issue is not addressed or resolved. This extends the relevance of your essay and engages your reader in thinking about potential implications. Remember, a thought-provoking conclusion is a memorable one.

Mimic Your Introductory Paragraph Writing

Your conclusion should echo the sentiments expressed in your introduction. This doesn’t mean repeating it word for word but rather revisiting the concepts, questions, or anecdotes you began with. This creates a sense of symmetry in your essay, bringing your reader full circle from your opening to your closing comments.

Adding More Emphasis

Your conclusion is ideal for emphasizing your most compelling evidence and arguments. Reiterate the strongest points of your essay, making sure to relate them back to your thesis statement. By doing this, you reinforce the implications of your argument and remind your readers of the validity of your position.

The Final Reinforcement

Lastly, consider restating your main points in a unique way to reinforce your arguments one final time. This serves to cement your ideas in the reader’s mind, ensuring they fully understand and remember your viewpoint.

Implementing these strategies will help you craft a compelling, impactful, and memorable conclusion. After all, the conclusion is your final chance to persuade your reader and leave a lasting impression, so make it count!

How to Conclude Different Types of Essays

Understanding how to write a conclusion for an essay becomes even more nuanced when you consider the different types of essays out there. Different genres of essays require different kinds of conclusions. Here’s how to wrap up various types of essays effectively:

Compare & Contrast Essay Conclusion

In a compare and contrast essay, your conclusion should effectively bring together all the similarities and differences you’ve presented throughout your essay. This synthesis should summarize your points and suggest why these comparisons matter. How does understanding these similarities and differences enrich the reader’s perspective on the topic?

Descriptive Writing Conclusion

In a descriptive essay, your conclusion should harken back to the initial impression you described in your introduction but now layered with the deeper understanding gleaned from the body of your essay. You might choose to revisit a particularly vivid image or idea, enhancing it with the insights gained throughout your piece.

Personal Essay Conclusion

In a personal essay, the conclusion should illuminate how your personal experiences have shaped your perspective on your topic. This might involve a reflection on the journey you’ve described, how your feelings have evolved, or what you’ve learned about yourself and the world through this experience.

Informative / Argumentative Writing Conclusion

For informative or argumentative essays, restate your thesis and main arguments in your conclusion, and underscore why your argument is significant. This is your chance to emphasize the importance and relevance of your findings or viewpoint.

Narrative Essay Conclusion

In a narrative essay, your conclusion should reflect your shared personal experience and its impact on you. This might involve insights about personal growth, realizations about the world, or a resolve for future actions.

Lab Reports Conclusion

For lab reports, your conclusion should succinctly summarize your findings and discuss their implications or applications in real-world scenarios. Reflect on the impact of your results on the field of study, and suggest potential avenues for future research.

Research Paper Conclusion

In research papers, your conclusion should recap your research findings and propose areas for future research. Discuss the significance of your findings in the broader context of your field, and suggest how future work could build upon your research.

Helpful Conclusion Examples

The best way to understand how to write a conclusion for an essay is to see it in action. Here are examples of conclusions for various types of essays.

Research Paper Conclusion Example

Suppose you’ve written a research paper on the impact of nursing leadership styles on patient satisfaction. Here’s how you might conclude:

“The findings of this research unequivocally highlight the link between transformational leadership styles in nursing and improved patient satisfaction. The correlation suggests that nursing leaders can directly influence patient outcomes by fostering a supportive, inspiring, and collaborative environment. The challenges, of course, are not insignificant – training, resource allocation, and organizational culture all play a crucial role. But the journey to optimal patient care must prioritize the cultivation of effective leadership in nursing. It is not just an aspiration, but a critical necessity.”

Report Conclusion Example

If you’ve created a report on improving nurse retention rates, you might conclude as follows:

“To sum up, the data clearly shows that increased job satisfaction and professional development opportunities directly influence nurse retention rates. It’s recommended that healthcare organizations invest significantly in continuous learning and development programs and create supportive environments where nurses feel valued. However, implementation is only as effective as its reinforcement – so regular follow-up assessments and adjustments based on feedback are essential.”

Thesis Conclusion Example

If you’ve written a thesis on the effect of nurse-led patient education on the self-management of diabetes, here’s a potential conclusion:

“Overall, this study underscores the critical role of nurse-led education in improving self-management among diabetes patients. By empowering patients with knowledge and skills, nurses can positively influence patients’ health outcomes. However, the study also highlights the need for a personalized approach to education, as patients’ needs may differ. While this research is significant, more studies are required to explore this approach among different demographic groups and healthcare settings.”

Argumentative Essay Conclusion Example

Consider an essay arguing for a greater emphasis on mental health education in nursing:

“The arguments for integrating mental health education into nursing curriculums are undeniable. The rising prevalence of mental health issues, the shortage of mental health specialists, and the integral role nurses play in healthcare, all demand a comprehensive understanding of mental health in nursing education. Neglecting mental health not only undermines the holistic care nurses strive to provide, but it also does a disservice to patients who seek compassionate, comprehensive care.”

Persuasive Essay Conclusion Example

For a persuasive essay advocating for stricter infection control measures in healthcare settings:

“Given the high stakes involved in healthcare-associated infections, it’s essential to champion stricter infection control measures in healthcare facilities. These protocols protect not just patients, but healthcare workers as well, leading to safer healthcare environments. Adapting to these changes may be challenging, but it’s a small sacrifice for the betterment of public health. It is high time we revisited our infection control measures and acknowledged their profound impact.”

Wrapping Up!

Writing a strong conclusion is an essential part of essay writing that should not be overlooked. It is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression and synthesize all your points into a cohesive whole. Remember, a great conclusion does more than just summarize your essay – it strengthens your arguments, ties your points together, and leaves the reader with something to think about.

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FAQs on Writing a Good Conclusion Paragraph

What makes a good essay conclusion?

A good essay conclusion restates the thesis, synthesizes the main points of the essay, suggests implications or future directions for research, and leaves the reader with a strong final impression.

How long should a conclusion be?

A conclusion should be proportional to the length of your essay. For a typical five-paragraph essay, a one-paragraph conclusion is usually sufficient. For longer essays, a more substantial conclusion may be necessary.

What is the best strategy for writing an essay conclusion?

The best strategy depends on the type of essay you’re writing. However, a common approach is to restate your thesis and main points, synthesize your arguments, and provide a thought-provoking final comment or call to action.

What does a concluding statement mean?

A concluding statement is the final sentence in your conclusion that provides a succinct summary of your main points and leaves a lasting impression.

How many sentences are in the conclusion?

There’s no fixed rule, but an effective conclusion paragraph typically consists of around 5-7 sentences. It should be concise yet comprehensive.

What is a concluding sentence in a body paragraph?

A concluding sentence in a body paragraph summarizes the points discussed in the paragraph and transitions smoothly to the next paragraph.

Can you have quotes in your conclusion?

Including quotes in your conclusion can be effective, but use them sparingly. The focus should be on summarizing your own arguments and insights.