HRM335 Exploring Leadership Adaptability: Insights from Industry Leaders (GBA)

Exploring The Adaptability of Leaders

In this GBA, you and your team members will be taking up the role of social scientists. As social scientists seeking to understand leadership practices and perspectives, you have to collaboratively investigate the 2 experiences of 2 different leaders. These 2 leaders have to come from different sectors/industry.

This group assignment aims to enable you to explore.

In order to investigate this topic, you will have to:

  1. Interview 2 leaders from different sectors/industries
  2. Make recommendations for leadership practices in the area of adaptability

Question 1: Planning to Collect Data (15 marks) (max 300 words)

For this question, please craft 2 – 3 interview questions for each category for your data collection. The 2 – 3 interview questions should enable you to gather information regarding the leader’s views and experiences on the topic of adaptability in leadership.

Topic Generate 2 – 3 questions for each of these topics
Background of leader including the leader’s overall leadership Philosophy and vision
Organisational or team climate / culture
Views on adaptability in leadership
Experience with adaptability as a leader
Advice on how aspiring leaders can be adaptable

Grading Rubric for question 1: 3 marks for generating interview questions for each of the topic. An excellent answer will have questions that are relevant and appropriate for the topic at hand.

Question 2: Data Collection and Data Treatment (5 marks)

During your data collection, please seek consent from your interviewee to be interviewed and audio recorded (see appendix for consent form to administer to the interviewee).

The interview should last for about 30 minutes to 45 minutes. You can choose to conduct the interview face-to-face, or via online platforms such as zoom.

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Please audio record the interview and do the following after all your interviews:

  1. Submit your audio recordings, or zoom recordings of interviews via this google link:
    • Please choose the right folder for your Tgroup.
    • Please choose the right GBA folder for your Tgroup and upload the audio recordings.
  2. If you conducted your interview in person and have an audio file, you can transcribe your audio recordings into text form via this link ( You can create a free account to use this transcription app.
  3. If you conducted your interview via zoom, you can download the transcript from zoom.
  4. Now that you have your text files of the interviews, please upload the documents via the google link:
    • Please choose the right folder for your Tgroup.
    • Please choose the right GBA folder for your Tgroup and upload the text files.

Important Note: Please submit all these documents by the GBA deadline. You will get 5 marks if you have all the documents uploaded correctly. You will get 0 marks if not all your documents (audio files and text files of interviews) were uploaded.

Question 3: Analysis and Report writing (65 marks) (max 2500 words)

In this question, you will review your interview transcripts, conduct thematic analysis and write a summary of your key findings from the interviews, in relation to concepts and theories covered in the course materials and DuBrin textbook.

In this report, you are to do the following:

  1. Examine the dynamics of leadership and its impact on employees and organisational activities, in view of the topic on adaptability.
  2. Appraise the leaders’ leadership style and their impact on organisations via the lens of whether the leader was adaptable.


Provide a short introductory paragraph introducing the two leaders you interviewed. Include a description of the leader’s role, context, background, and overall leadership philosophy. You should not use the actual name of the interviewee in your report to ensure confidentiality. Do highlight similarities or differences in the leaders’ leadership philosophies and vision. (10 marks)


Provide a short summary of the interviewees’ responses on this topic. Analyse their responses in relation to theories and concepts covered in the course materials and DuBrin textbook. At the same time, do consider how the leaders shape culture may impact employees and the organisation. Do also highlight similarities or differences in the leaders’ responses. (15 marks)

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Views on Adaptability in Leadership and its impact on employees and organisations:

Provide a short summary of the interviewees’ responses on this topic. Analyse their responses in relation to theories and concepts covered in the course materials and DuBrin textbook. (20 marks)

Experience with adaptability as a leader:

Provide a short summary of the interviewees’ responses on this topic. Analyse their responses in relation to theories and concepts covered in the course materials and DuBrin textbook. At the same time, do consider how the leaders adaptability or lack thereof may impact employees and the organisation. Do also highlight similarities or differences in the leaders’ responses. (20 marks)

Grading Rubric for question 3

Topic Mark Allocation Description of excellent answer
Introduction of 2 leaders 10 marks Excellent write-up on the background information and details of leader. Provides a holistic perspective of leader, including the leader’s philosophy and vision.
Organisational Climate/culture 15 marks Provides a thorough and insightful comparison of the two organisational cultures, addressing key similarities and differences with depth and nuance. Analysis is well-supported by relevant examples and demonstrates clear connections to leadership practices. Effectively applies relevant theories and concepts to support the comparison. The integration of theories into the analysis is logical and clear.
Views on adaptability in leadership 20 marks Describe the appropriate concept and theory concisely and explain how the responses link to the concepts and theories in a logical manner. Articulates how leaders’ adaptability have impact on employees and organisations, with much critical analysis and insights. Addresses the pros and cons of adaptability adequately.
Experience with adaptability as a leader 20 marks Excellent analysis and link back to course concepts and theories. Describes the experience adequately and provides link back to concepts and theories, with no gaps in logic. Articulates how leaders’ adaptability has impact on employees and organisations, with much critical analysis and insights. Addresses the pros and cons of adaptability adequately.

Question 4: Recommendations (15 marks) (max 1000 words)

In this section, you are to consider strategies that will enhance the adaptability of young leaders. Based on what your two interviewees have shared, propose THREE (3) recommendations on what young leaders should do to lead more effectively and be more adaptable.

Grading Rubric for question 4: 5 marks for each recommendation. An excellent answer will have recommendations that are relevant and appropriate.

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Appendix: Guidelines for Ethical Use of ChatGPT for Research

ChatGPT is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. It can be a valuable tool for research assignments; however, it is important to use it ethically and responsibly. This guide provides you with instructions on how to utilise ChatGPT ethically for research purposes.

  1. Understand the limitations: ChatGPT is an AI model trained on a vast amount of data but has its limitations. It may produce inaccurate or biased information, generate false statements, or lack current information. It is important to be aware of these limitations and cross-verify the information obtained from ChatGPT with reliable sources.
  2. Clearly state your research objectives: Define your research objectives and the specific questions you want to address using ChatGPT. This will help you focus on gathering relevant and useful information and reduce chances of misusing the tool.
  3. Use ChatGPT as a supplementary resource: Treat ChatGPT as a supplementary resource to enhance your research. Do not rely solely on it. Combine the information generated by ChatGPT with data from credible sources such as peer-reviewed articles, books, and reputable websites.
  4. Cite ChatGPT as a source: If you incorporate information generated by ChatGPT into your assignment, acknowledge it as a source. Mention in the footnotes that the information was generated using an AI language model and provide the date of the conversation. Please refer to this website to learn more about citing ChatGPT:
  5. Critically evaluate the information: Before utilising information obtained from ChatGPT, critically evaluate its credibility and accuracy. Assess the context in which the information was generated and consider potential biases or errors. Corroborate the information with trustworthy sources whenever possible.
  6. Avoid plagiarism and misrepresentation: Do not present information generated by ChatGPT as your own or pass it off without proper attribution. Plagiarism is unethical and against academic integrity policies. Use the information from ChatGPT to gain insights and understanding but ensure that your analysis and writing are your own original work.
  7. Be transparent about the use of ChatGPT: Please disclose use of ChatGPT in this assignment by providing your prompts and information that was generated by ChatGPT in the appendix.
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Appendix 1: Interview Guidelines

Interviewing Guidelines

(Adapted from Study Guides and Strategies, see for more details)


(The more structure and preparation you demonstrate to the person you are interviewing, the better the interview will be)

Here are some guidelines for preparing an interview:

  1. Develop a statement of interest
  2. Research thoroughly on your interviewee
    • What you can find about the person, role, team, project, company
    • The interview begins before you meet the person
  3. Prioritise a set of objectives and questions. Going in prepared makes you look capable and competent
  4. Discover what is necessary to fit into interviewee’s environment/space, if necessary, ask others for advice
    • Dress neatly and appropriately for the interview
    • Your objective is to make the interviewee feel comfortable and willing to share what is important to them.
    • Ask yourself: “How would I want to be treated if I was being interviewed?”
  5. Develop a checklist of the interview “tools” (Notebook, pens, recording device, etc…)
  6. Arrange for the interview “on location” if possible and/or appropriate – It will add to the authenticity of the interview.

During the interview:


  1. Introduce yourself and your project.
  2. Ask for the person’s name card (if appropriate).
  3. Make the person you are interviewing comfortable.
    • Express your appreciation for their time and willingness.
    • Compliment their office, directions, your respect for their role and job, etc…
    • If this is the first time you are interviewing, share with them that you are developing your interviewing technique.
  4. Seek their consent and request for them to complete a consent form.
    • Seek permission from the person you are interviewing for recording.
    • Share with the person you are interviewing that their names and job designations will be in the transcription but will be kept confidential and not be mentioned within the body of the submitted assignment.
    • Recordings will be stored securely.
    • Ask her or him to complete a consent form (See Appendix 2).

The interview

  • Treat the interview like a conversation with structure.
    • Begin with your list of questions.
    • Follow chance openings.
    • Keep in mind your objectives.
  • Actively listen to understand and report.
    • Affirm that you understand what they are saying.
    • Do not agree or disagree with the person.
    • Do not debate what they have to say.
  • While taking notes,
    • Don’t hesitate to ask for clarifications or better understanding:
      • “Could you repeat that, please? I want to make sure I get all of that down.”
      • “I am not sure I followed that, do you mean that. ..”
  • Know when to be quiet
    • Listen carefully so that you know when to let your source pause to collect his or her thoughts.
    • Don’t feel the need to fill every empty space with conversation.
  • Don’t be afraid to say you don’t understand, or need more explanation.
    • Use your own words to repeat back; ask:
      • “So what you’re saying is… “
      • “So let me get this straight .. “
  • Be willing at all times to be surprised; follow chance openings.
    • Don’t think you know what the story is about.
    • Don’t let your own feelings or bias shape the questions you ask.

Appendix 2: Consent Form for Interview

Interview Consent Form

Course: HRM335 Leadership Development Group
Group Members:
Title of Activity: Field Interview

  1. I have been given sufficient information about this activity. The purpose of my participation as an interviewee in this project has been explained to me and is clear.
  2. My participation as an interviewee in this project is VOLUNTARY. There is no explicit or implicit coercion whatsoever to participate.
  3. This interview will not last for more than 1 hour.
    • I allow/disallow* these students to take written notes during the interview.
    • I allow/disallow* recording by audio of the interview.
  4. It is clear to me that in case I do not want the interview to be taped, I am at ANY point of time fully entitled to withdraw from participation.
  5. I have the right not to answer any of the questions. If I feel uncomfortable in any way during the interview session, I have the RIGHT TO WITHDRAW from the interview.
  6. I have been given the explicit guarantees that, if I wish so, the students will not identify me and my company by name in any reports using information obtained from this interview, and that my confidentiality as a participant in this study will remain secure.
  7. I have read and understood the points and statements of this form. I have had all my questions answered to my satisfaction, and I voluntarily agree to participate in this activity.
  8. I have been given a copy of this consent form co-signed by the team leader.
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