The video above will help you later in this assignment. 
Purpose: This assignment is designed to get you thinking about your paper and preparing your resources for it. 
1. Hopefully you have begun reading the Odyssey by this point and have some ideas about it.
2. You paper will be about what you think are the three most important Greek virtues in the Odyssey.
3. You need to also find some outside sources to help you talk about the Odyssey and your virtues and ideas specifically. Find at least seven books, websites, or articles that will help you understand and talk about your chosen text and angle. These are your “secondary sources.” These sources should be SCHOLARLY, not Wikipedia or random websites. They should be articles from a scholarly journal (google scholar or the library can help you here, also check out research sites like JSTOR or Academic Search Premier on the libraries databases). Websites need to be affiliated with a university and written by a scholar in their field.
Now you can watch the video above to get ideas for sources for your paper.
1. A topic section, where you list the three virtues you have selected to talk about. 
2. A bibliography of your seven or more chosen scholarly sources. These should be listed
in MLA format. For more on MLA, click this link: LinkLinks to an external site.
3. Write at least three sentences under each secondary source you list explaining what
the source is and how it will help you in your paper.