Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography 
Due: Sunday, 3/20 by midnight. 
Upload it to google classroom under Assignment 1 submission
Length: 6-8 pages, entire document is double-spaced, no extra spaces between entries.
For this course you will find 4 peer reviewed articles related to your research topic. 
For all four articles, begin with an APA format citation, followed by a 2 paragraph annotation. Each paragraph will take up the guiding questions below in 4-5 sentences. You should formulate your thinking into two cohesive paragraphs. The goal of this annotated bibliography is to allow you to synthesize what the research is saying with respect to the topic you are interested in. While your first paragraph allows you to synthesize and summarize the findings of the specific article, the second paragraph will allow you to critically and closely consider how the current research impacts your own interests and research (related to the teaching or learning of emergent bilingual students).   
The first paragraph provides a summary of the article:
What real-world problems were the researchers interested in studying? What did they set out to understand?
How do the researchers understand bilingualism, language, and students labeled English Language Learners (multilingual learners/emergent bilinguals)?
Which theoretical frameworks of bilingualism are the foundation of this work? 
What did the researchers find when they analyzed their data?
The second paragraph is a reflection on its applicability to your own research:
How does this article help you understand your topic or research question?
What drew you to this article?
What do you know now that you did not know before?
Did this article help you understand bilingual pedagogy in a new way?
What methodology or methods (if any) might you borrow? 
How does it connect to your research interests or how does it reflect issues that affect your emergent bilinguals or bilingual programs that you work in?
RESOURCES: See a sample of an annotated bibliography for ONE article (click here)