HUM 410 Module 6: Professional Development Assignment

Technology in nursing is constantly evolving, and nurses must evolve with it. Technology can help nurses in a variety of ways, from improving patient care to making their workflow more efficient. One of the most important pieces of technology for nurses is the electronic health record (EHR). EHRs contain all of a patient’s important health information in one place, and they can be accessed by any healthcare provider that the patient sees (Baumann, 2020). This gives nurses a complete picture of the patient’s health history, which allows them to provide better care. Other forms of technology applied in nursing include telehealth and applications, centralized command centers, databases, and artificial intelligence (Baumann, 2020). The use of technology in nursing can help nurses to be more efficient and effective in their work. For example, nurses can use technology to communicate with other members of the healthcare team, order supplies, document patient care, and more. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the application of technology in nursing and the impacts on the clinical side of healthcare.

Literature Review

            Health care providers have always been under pressure to keep up with new technology. But the challenge is more urgent than ever, as health care moves from a fee-for-service system to one that pays for value. The need for change is clear. A recent study by the Commonwealth Fund found that in 2014, the U.S. ranked last among 11 industrialized countries on measures of quality, access, and efficiency. Digital nursing and health care innovation can play a role in improving outcomes while reducing costs. For example, electronic health records (EHRs) can help improve coordination of care, reduce errors, and make it easier for providers to share information (Fotis, 2022). Digital nursing is changing the landscape of health care by making it easier for nurses to connect with patients and other nurses. By using technology, nurses can communicate with their patients and share important information about their care (Fotis, 2022). This not only helps to improve the quality of care that patients receive, but it also helps to improve nurse satisfaction rates. Additionally, digital nursing can help to reduce costs and improve patient outcomes.

            Nurses are increasingly relying on digital nursing technology to help them care for patients and manage their workload. This technology can help nurses achieve job satisfaction by making their jobs easier and more efficient (Setyowati et al., 2022). For example, digital nursing technology can help nurses track patient vitals and medications, capture real-time data, and communicate with other healthcare professionals. By using this technology, nurses can streamline their workflow and spend more time caring for patients. Additionally, the use of digital nursing technology can help nurses feel more connected to their peers and improve communication within the healthcare team (Setyowati et al., 2022). Digital nursing technology has revolutionized the way nurses care for patients, and it is helping to improve job satisfaction throughout the profession.

            Technology in nursing is also applied in oncology nursing practices to enhance treatment outcomes. Although patient monitoring devices have been around for many years, their use in oncology nursing practice is relatively new. However, these devices have the potential to greatly improve patient outcomes by providing real-time data that can be used to make treatment decisions (Wilson & Mooney, 2020). There are a variety of different types of patient monitoring devices available with set of features and benefits. For example, some devices can measure conditions like heart rate and blood pressure, while others can track things like oxygen levels or blood sugar levels. Some devices are even able to alert nurses when a change in a patient’s condition is detected (Wilson & Mooney, 2020). One of the biggest benefits of using patient monitoring devices is that they can help to catch potential problems early.

            Artificial intelligence is another technology that is commonly applied in nursing to enhance the quality healthcare services. The use of artificial intelligence helps clinicians diagnose diseases faster and more accurately (Ostermann, 2020). For example, a study by the University of Maryland showed that a deep learning algorithm was able to detect melanoma with a high degree of accuracy; this technology can also help doctors recommend the best course of treatment for patients. In one study, it was shown that machine learning was able to predict patient outcomes with 80% accuracy (Ostermann, 2020). This information can then be used by doctors to decide on the best treatment plan for each individual patient. Finally, artificial intelligence can be used to improve communication between doctors and patients.

            The application of technology in nursing and healthcare continues to change the nursing profession and offer different ways that nurses can adapt to ensure they are providing the best possible care for their patients. Technology is changing nearly every industry, and nursing is no exception. Nurses have always been at the forefront of utilizing new technology to improve patient care (Booth et al., 2021). In fact, many of the most important advances in medical care would not have been possible without the involvement of nurses. With the entry into the digital age, nurses are once again playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of healthcare. By harnessing the power of technology, nurses can provide even higher levels of quality care to their patients. One area where technology is having a major impact is in the area of communication. In the past, nurse-to-physician communication was often hampered by time constraints and a lack of information sharing between shift changes (Booth et al., 2021). However, new how technology is changing the nursing profession and offer ways that nurses can adapt to ensure they are providing the best possible care.

            Compassionate nursing care and the use of digital health technologies are vital in improving the quality of life for patients. There is no question that compassionate nursing care and the use of digital health technologies are vital in improving the quality of life for patients (Ali et al., 2021). By gathering accurate data about a patient’s condition and logging it into a secure database, nurses can more easily detect changes in a patient’s health and intervene sooner if necessary (Ali et al., 2021). In addition, patients can feel reassured knowing that they have access to their medical records at all times, which can help in understanding their health and make more informed decisions about care.

            There are both advantages and disadvantages to using technology in nursing. On the one hand, technology can help nurses to more efficiently and effectively do healthcare tasks. For example, technology can help nurses to track patients’ vital signs and medication schedules, which can help to ensure that patients receive the best possible care (Mohammed, 2018). On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages to using technology in nursing. For example, if nurses become too reliant on technology, they may not be able to effectively deal with situations where technology fails (Mohammed, 2018). Additionally, if nurses do not have a good understanding of how to use technology properly, they may end up making mistakes that could potentially harm patients.




Ali, S., Kleib, M., Paul, P., Petrovskaya, O., & Kennedy, M. (2021). Compassionate nursing care and the use of digital health technologies: A scoping review. International journal of nursing studies, 104161.

Baumann, S. (2020). Evaluation of data usability generated by wearables & IoT-enabled home use medical devices via Telehealth to identify if blockchain can solve potential challenges (Doctoral dissertation, Iowa State University).

Booth, R. G., Strudwick, G., McBride, S., O’Connor, S., & López, A. L. S. (2021). How the nursing profession should adapt for a digital future. bmj373.

Fotis, T. (2022). Digital nursing and health care innovation. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing37(1), 3-4. doi:10.1016/j.jopan.2020.10.007

Mohammed, H. M. (2018). New technology in nursing education and practice. Zagazig Nursing Journal14(1), 233 239.

Seibert, K., Domhoff, D., Bruch, D., Schulte-Althoff, M., Fürstenau, D., Biessmann, F., & Wolf-Ostermann, K. (2020). A rapid review on application scenarios for artificial intelligence in nursing care. JMIR Preprints16(12), 2020. 10.2196/26522

Setyowati, S., Arruum, D., Handiyani, H., & Koestoer, R. A. (2022). Digital Nursing Technology to Achieve Job Satisfaction: A Systematic Review. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences10(F), 104-112. Wilson, C. M., & Mooney, K. (2020, December). Advancing Oncology Nursing Practice Through the Adoption of Patient Monitoring Digital Tools. In Seminars in oncology nursing (Vol. 36, No. 6, p. 151087). WB Saunders.

Module 6 Assignment

Professional Development Assignment Description: (please make any and all corrections that are needed based on your professor’s comments from the last submission)

Prepare the Literature Review section of your paper. Begin with an introductory paragraph that describes your search parameters and what databases were used. Be sure to avoid first person (I, we, me, us, etc.). Include at least one paragraph for each of your sources chosen in your Annotated Bibliography. This is not a repeat of the annotations in the annotated bibliography, but should be written as an essay that flows easily from one point to the next. Remember, your literature review should be at least seven paragraphs, but not more than twelve paragraphs. Each paragraph should be at least three sentences in length, but only contain one or two main points and support. Review your APA resources for how to properly cite references in your text. This is where you will apply to in-text citation rules, as each paragraph will indicate the reference from which the information is taken.

Also prepare your reference page. Please review your APA resources as mentioned previously. Submit the entire document. However, only the literature review and reference page will be graded in this module.