Human Services professionals will often work in situations with multiple provider systems working together. Imagine you are a counselor providing in-home services to families with foster

Human Services professionals will often work in situations with multiple provider systems working together. Imagine you are a counselor providing in-home services to families with foster children to stabilize placement and help keep children from having multiple foster placements. Use this written scenario about Maisie and complete the intake information for her file below: Comp 3-Maisie scenario.docx Your client is Maisie. She is 9 years old and living with her foster parents Jim and Sue in England. Maisie is hoping to be adopted, and Jim and Sue plan to adopt her. Maisie experienced violence her first 4 years while living with her mom. After being removed from her mom, Maisie has had 10 foster placements in 4 years, 2 families that were hoping to adopt her but chose not to do so due to her behavior. Prior to living with Jim and Sue, Maisie was very close with her foster parent Susan. This placement was not going to be permanent but did last a year, and Maisie was moved due to Susan’s health. Susan collapsed, was transported by ambulance and Maisie never saw her again, said goodbye, or knew what happened to Susan. Maisie does not understand why she was moved from Susan’s home. Maisie struggles with angry, violent outbursts. Maisie targets Sue with her anger. Jim and Sue have adopted 8 other children, all who experienced trauma and have struggled with behavior. They understand the impact of trauma and work hard to support Maisie. Maisie’s violence is a risk for her safety and the safety of others in the home. Jim and Sue work to provide nurture and utilize activities to build attachment. The recognize that in some ways, Maisie is functioning like a 3 or 4 year old emotionally due to her history of trauma. Jim and Sue report they are struggling with Masie’s behavior despite their experience and knowledge. They are working with a therapist to support Maisie but there is limited funding from the state for the services. Maisie reports not liking her acting out behavior and wanting to “get rid of the bad stuff.” Sue reports concerns about Maisie’s ability to form relationships due to the trauma she witnessed in her birth family and the disruptions in the relationships due to moving foster placements. Maisie struggles with sharing feelings of love toward Sue in therapy, avoiding touch and nurture. Maisie is displaying her anger in therapy sessions. Maisie reports “I hate mums” during therapy. Maisie is healthy and there are no reports of any physical development issues. Maisie has been in about 11 schools since she would have began school at age 5 due to placement moves. We do not have a current report from the school about her progress, test scores or behavior. If you want to see more about Maisie and her foster/adoptive parents or her behaviors, you can watch this video. Instructions: Use the outline below to complete the intake information for Maisie. In addition to the completed outline, incorporate at least 1 reference from your e-textbook and course materials with the discussion of theory. Include a title page, reference page using APA format, and in-text citations where needed. Theories you can use in this assignment: Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory, Social Learning Theory, and Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory. OUTLINE: Demographic Information: who is our client? Age? Racial/ethnic background? SES? Living arrangement? Information should be presented with bullet points. State the problem/presenting issue: 1-2 sentences discussing the issues/issues brought the client in for services? Assessment: PHYSICAL DOMAIN: Discuss issues related to physical development in 1 paragraph COGNITIVE DOMAIN: Discuss issues related to cognitive development in 1 paragraph SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL DOMAIN: Discuss issues related to social-emotional development in 1 paragraph Analysis using 2 Theories: 2 paragraphs in length. Use 2 of the theories discussed in the Module or Text: Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory, Behaviorism, Social Learning Theory, Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory. How is our client’s development? Are they on track? What SHOULD be occurring at this time based on theory? What issues might present due to unresolved developmental milestones? Planning: Write a 1 paragraph summary of the client’s needs based on issues identified in the assessment process. What does this client need to begin to meet developmental milestones? Referrals: Identify 2 agencies, programs, or services in YOUR COMMUNITY that would help this client and what they would be able to provide the client. Information should be presented in bullet points. Requirements: Submit one Word document that the following: 1 title page using APA format 1 document using outline and bold headings provided above for organization 1 reference page including at least 1 reference citation using APA format In-text citations were necessary to incorporate reference Use complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation