HW – Write My Paper Today

Please submit your Rough Draft via the assignments folder. Rough drafts are works in progress but must contain all of the required elements of the final paper. Rough drafts must be in APA style and include all citations to date. Proper grammar and spelling are required.

The Homeland Security (DHS) agency is intended to be the stronger line of defense against terrorism in the U.S. Write a 10-12-page paper answering the following questions:

1.  How is the DHS structured, and what are its current anti-terror and counter-terror capabilities? Given those capabilities, what does this indicate about what the DHS considers the most likely type of attack and by whom/what (Individuals? Organizations? Domestic militias? Radicalized residents? Foreign nationals?…)

2.  What have you identified as DHS areas in need of improvement? What are its strong points?

3.  Are there indications of how the DHS works with national intelligence agencies? Comment on this point, examining what may need improving regarding inter-agency relations and cooperation.

4.  Summarize your findings and recommendations as an ‘executive brief’ (no more than 2 pages long). Your recommendations should be realistic, soundly based in current structures and capabilities (this includes strengthening those capabilities as identified). It should take into account potential restrictions of human rights, too. It should also reflect the current state of knowledge regarding homeland security and counter- / anti- terrorism. Include a statement that reflects your findings on what types of terror-related incidents are considered most likely to occur inside the U.S. (all 50 states, not just the 48 continental ones).

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