I am a mental health nursing student so I can not use that field of practice. I

I am a mental health nursing student so I can not use that field of practice. I have chosen, adult, childrens and learning disability.
Throughout your programme, you are expected to gain experience
in the philosophy of the different fields of practice and engage in
meaningful experiences in theoretical learning or practice learning
(simulation or placement). Based on these experiences, you must
write a series of reflective commentaries in your “Salford Nursing –
Personal Development Record (PDR)”, considering the NMC
platforms of proficiency standards (NMC, 2018) and the differences
between each field.  
For your summative academic assessment in the ‘Leading &
Empowering in Integrated Nursing Practice’ module, you will submit
via Turnitin a Reflective Log critically evaluating the exposures to
three separate fields of practice based on this work within your PDR.
You will write three separate entries within the Word Document
template provided, and these will vary depending on your own
chosen field of practice. Throughout your Critical Reflective Log,
confidentiality must be maintained to ensure places, people and
specific events are not identifiable, therefore any names and
identifiable information must be anonymised.  
You are expected to provide underpinning evidence within your
critical reflective log, following APA 7th guidelines for in-text citations
and a final reference list at the end of the document. In text
citations should be included when considering underpinning
evidence-based research, guidance, publications; however a
reflective log also includes your reflection upon learning which does
not require detailed referencing.
Within each of the three exposure entries in your Critical Reflective
Log, they must be at least 500 words in length, and must include the
following to meet the assessment criteria:
1. Brief description of the exposure in theoretical learning or
practice learning in simulation or placement.
2. Critical evaluation of the similarities and differences between
your exposure and your own field of practice supported by
3. Discussion of your learning and how it will benefit your
practice as a future registered nurse supported by evidence.
4. Mapping to the NMC platforms of proficiency standards
(NMC, 2018) e.g. 1.7, 5.1.
Q. Is there an estimated word count for each area within the table?
A. There is not a word count for each column it is 500 for each exposure. The final column
(numbers only) is not included and the main wording will be in the middle two columns, see
below for further guidance
Column 1- one sentence e.g attended a spoke placement on a Child and Adolescent Mental
Health (CAMHs) inpatient ward.
Column 2- similarity /difference (Must link to literature)
Students identify one difference e.g during my exposure to CAMHs the approach to care
utilised attachment theory as part of care which is an element of care I have not observed
within my own adult/ CYP/ MH field of practice. Attachment theory is….. (support with
theory). This was utilised by….. (link to theory). There have been criticisms of this approach/
theory made by….. (theory reference). The benefit observed in practice was…..
Column 3- relating to impact on future practice (Must link to literature)
Students need to link to how this one area of difference will impact on their practice in their
own field e.g. having observed the use of and now having gained an understanding of
attachment theory and its impact on care I will consider this in my future practice by
considering how relationships may be impacted upon due to challenges with early life
attachment….. (link to theory)
Column 4- NMC standards (numbers only no words)
1, 2, 5 & 6 (Not included in word count because it is numbers only no words)
End reference list is not included in the word count.