I am currently in the process of writing my master’s dissertation, which consist

I am currently in the process of writing my master’s dissertation, which consists of 10,000-12,000 words, and it is about global health governance. My dissertation is without a literature review or methodology chapter. The methodology used is qualitative, consisting of critical analysis, case study, literature, and show some documents, academics articles and legislations. my outline will be two chapter with an intro and conclusion the first one about global health governance and the role of WHO of managing pandemics over the years and the second chapter about covid-19 especially. and I didn’t know how to be critical and while I am writing I noticed it all descriptive more than critical and the reason why because I don’t have any problem to critics. So, I tried to add problem which is mental health but now I feel like I have two focuses instead of one and sometimes I’m saying it is normal since it is a dissertation and it should be abroad while other times, I said no it should have one focus either global health governance and the role of WHO managing pandemics or mental health problems. what is your academic opinion and can u provide an outline according to your opinion?

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