I have a report to do and as i was very happy with your work last time, i wish w

I have a report to do and as i was very happy with your work last time, i wish we could work together again. I will give you the brief so you can understand the report better. Please ignore the attatched documents, they are from the last order and i cannot remove them. I will give you further intrustions later if you do accept to do it. 
100% of your final mark takes the form of a written report (3000 words) focusing on the internationalisation strategy of a company of your choosing (i.e. the case-company).
You are expected to critically analyse and evaluate the case-company’s internationalisation strategy to date. In addition, you are expected to provide suggestions/recommendations regarding the strategic directions the company could pursue for future growth (e.g. diversification, divestments, further international expansion, etc.) and an action plan for the implementation of the recommendations. 
The ‘case-company’ must be a real organisation which engages in international transactions and on which you can collect reliable information from various databases, reports available in the public domain (e.g. annual and quarterly reports; business media), or the library catalogues (e.g. FAME; Mintel; Keynote).
Make sure you liaise with your tutors on your case-company selection and listen to their advice, as they want to make sure that the case-company you select is manageable and of sufficient content. Although there are no strict requirements regarding the size of the chosen company, please avoid choosing extremely large companies (e.g. Samsung or Volkswagen) with strategies that are too broad and complex to be meaningfully discussed within the 3000-word limit.