I have included the approved prospectus and the literature review for background

I have included the approved prospectus and the literature review for background information (please review). The approved prospectus has the research question, method, significance/importance, and design. 
Please follow the checklist to ensure all the “Checklist Items” have been addressed. Only look at non-highlighted checklist items. 
the target journal or actual journal for the manuscript, including the
journal’s URL and formatting expectation (APA, Chicago, etc.). State how this
journal aligns with the content in the manuscript.
Introduce the problem that is the focus of the manuscript.
Identify the significance of this research to the discipline or
area of practice.
Clarify the theoretical framework for this research.
State how this topic can make an original contribution.
End with a statement of purpose for the research.
Synthesize the relevant evidence and research,
assuming the reader is aware of the basic problem and its history.
Demonstrate a logical connection between “what
is known” and “what needs to be studied” – the gap in research.
Questions and Design
State your research questions or hypotheses,
and rational for each, as an extension of the preceding discussion of the
Explain the approach being used to address the
research problem, saving specific methodological details for the next
Who is the target population for this study?
Sample and Power
What sampling strategies will be used to
identify the participants?
What a
priori procedures were used to
determine the appropriate sample size?
Variables/Sources of Data
·  Restate
the variables (independent, dependent, covariates, and/or moderating
variables) and the expected relationships between them.
·  Identify
the source(s) of the data used to operationalize the variables.
Instrumentation or Measures
Identify any instruments, measurement tools,
or data-collection strategies used in the study. As appropriate, discuss
strategies for assuring the validity and reliability of the data/scores
produced by the measures.
Design and Analysis
Specify the research design, recognizing that different
designs require different reporting strategies.
Discuss the central analytical strategies that
align with the variables and the relationships being tested. 
Provide justification for the selection of the
research design.
on a new page, include a reference list that is appropriate to the citations
made in this manuscript only.