-I need to prepare a presentation with speaker notes for a 10 minute personal vi

-I need to prepare a presentation with speaker notes for a 10 minute personal video to be inserted into the presentation afterwards.
-This is a continuation of a past assignment – copy attached.
-I already started working on the first slides of the presentation and will need you to continue as per the outline on the same presentation file.
-For each slide, you will need to draft a narration that i will use to explain the video. The first part of the narration is included. However, i will need this compressed please. Slides up to initial My PDP slide should not take more than 3 minutes of the narration, The remaining slides need to cover 7-9 minutes.
– the last slide will need to include a new revised PDP as the final outcome. This should be in the same format as initial pdp.

Attachments are as follows:
– Documents to work on are marked ‘This assignment’
– Last semester submission to which this is a continuation is marked ‘part 1’
– The remaining documents are the Course handbook and assignment brief
– i also included the presentation outlines for your reference.

Please check assessment criteria and ruberic.