i want you to write for me the result part of systematic review, i will provide for you the spesific information i want, i will provide the protocol for your reference and data extraction shhet and i need you to write about the other variable that included so other than this that i will write it in the reporting table Results written
First, we start with a paragraph about the results we identified
Variables that were not mentioned in the reporting table should be written in the results section as paragraphs , write about the level of educations, profesional year , descriiption , time horizin, type of economic model, time adjusment,
, , i will did a table for this so no nned to include this details in the result so find the missing one which in the data extraction sheet and write about it Reporting table
* Author, year
* Country
* Setting
* Objectives/aims
* Health professions
* Type of IPE program (we can mix the educational setting, and descriiption and name it intervention)
* Educational outcomes
* Comparator
* Source of cost data
* Type of economic evaluation
* Perspective
* Cost per outcome (outcome)
i need vancover style also if you need or use any referencing
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