I will link the paper instructions but to break it down:  –  each question is on

I will link the paper instructions but to break it down: 
–  each question is one essay
–  every definition should be mentioned in the paper
–  the format should follow the example essay linked below
–  only use the material I provide to cite 
–  500-600 words per essay (2 question: each have their own “essay”) 
For prompt: Analyze how identity changes over time
–  Lecture 15
–  crenshaw article 
–  hinkson article 
For prompt: Analyze how racialization changes over time
–  lecture 16
–  bonilla article 
–  tesler article 
–  if citing from the lecture do as such (Emigh 2024: lecture __) and put what lecture 15,16
–  for formatting and in-text citing references refer to example essay linked 
– when applying nobles it should be to one of the articles discusses in the essay out of the two, but BOTH articles should be discussed in the epochal comparison section 
–  make sure to really dive into the epochal comparison section with the material as it is the most points.