I would like for you to pick a topic to research. In order to get going on your

I would like for you to pick a topic to research. In order to get going on your project you need to have your topic approved by me first. Below is what you are asked to do. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns email me and come see me in office hours. All you need for this assignment is the topic you would like to research and use for your project.

You will be asked to research anything you would like as it relates to the course materials. There are many hot button topics surrounding technology, philosophy, and ethics as it relates to film, art, music, education, etc. You will pick a topic that interests you and explain the current concern. What are people saying about your topic and is it something we (as a society) should have pause for concern? You can write a traditional paper, make a PowerPoint presentation, record a podcast (alone or with your peers), record a voice note, record a video, etc. You do not need to stick to a rigid paper setting if you do not want to. I want you to think about the importance of the topics in class and connect them with other things in the world!