Identify a biographical film that attempts to portray a “historical” figure, som

Identify a biographical film that attempts to portray a “historical” figure, someone who was/is an actual, real-life person. Then, write a focused, purposeful research paper in which you argue whether, based on your research, the film accurately portrays the person it attempts to. Your essay should also make some larger point about why the accuracies/inaccuracies in the film are important, significant, or meaningful.  You will also find and incorporate into your essay at least FIVE outside sources that explore the historical figure or person the film attempts to portray (newspaper/magazine/journal accounts, books, and websites about the actual person). These sources will be documented using MLA guidelines. You must use at least one periodical source (magazine, newspaper, scholarly journal), one book source, and one (legitimate) web source (I’d prefer it if you did not use Wikipedia, though that’s a good place to look for other sources…). ALSO, you should NOT merely look for sources (websites) that are already pointing out inaccuracies in the film—you need to do some of your own original research, as well.