If you have ever attended a formal debate you know that both sides of a “resolution” are presented, giving everyone an intellectual workout. Here’s yours.
Prompt: That Jane Austen’s novels are still relevant and speak to us after 200 years.
In the first part of the essay you should attack this claim; in the second part defend it. You will be expected to back up each position with quotations and examples from Austen’s works. High school students must cite at least one novel; undergraduate and graduate students will be expected to cite at least two. Citing Austen’s unfinished works is also permitted.
The title of the essay should appear at the top of page one; further pages should be numbered on the top right; the student’s name must not appear on the essay.
The essay must be in MLA format (double-spaced and in 12-point type throughout, with one-inch margins on all sides of each page).
The essay must be 6-8 pages in length, not including the Works Cited page.
The essay must use MLA documentation, including a Works Cited page and parenthetical citations in the body of the text. Use end notes only for substantive notes. Source material that is directly quoted, paraphrased, or summarized must be cited. Quotations from the Jane Austen work under discussion should be cited as well.
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