IF3061QA Critically analyse and review the research article and evaluate the research article ( strengths and weakness of articles): Researching Inequality Assignment, LMU, UK


100-150 words. State which of the 6 areas of inequality has been chosen. Then be specific about the topic you have decided to focus on. You should state why you have chosen this area. It can be by including a fact (e.g., website or newspaper) or sharing how you got interested in the topic (e.g., film or YouTube video). You should cite any sources you mention.

Main body

Write the title of 1st research paper here. Include an in-text citation for the author and year

200-250 words.

Include a short quote that links to the topic of inequality with a page number. Then write about why you think this is interesting or useful. Why is this important to know?

Critically analyse and review the research article and evaluate the research article ( strengths and weakness of articles)

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