Importance of Diverse Voices Rather than limiting themselves to the basics, our

Importance of Diverse Voices
Rather than limiting themselves to the basics, our schools should prioritize the inclusion of various perspectives in literature. Listening to various voices in literature introduces students to multiple cultures since literature is a great instrument for elaborating and understanding culture. Because of this, the student’s knowledge is expanded beyond what it would have been with a narrow concentration on the basics alone. Understanding other cultures helps one to be more tolerant and sensitive to others (Yomantas, 2024). Because of the prevalence of cross-cultural communication in modern society, students who practice cultural tolerance are better prepared to engage with others from all walks of life. Issues and triumphs from many corners of the globe are reflected in the themes as much as the good and bad. Students become informed about global events via reading literature from a variety of perspectives. 
Why Foundations of Literature Is Not Important
Due to the nature of the home-ground environment in which foundations are only written, students will be limited to learning about their nation. As they read works written by a variety of authors, pupils benefit from multicultural literature, which aids in the process of identity development. Literaturecourses provide international students with an opportunity to learn about and connect with their own culture (Yomantas, 2024). They get a strong feeling of belonging and an identity as a result, which enhances their self-esteem. Friendships among pupils are fostered by reading diverse voices at school. In doing so, they get an understanding of and appreciation for their uniqueness. Studying only the basics teaches students to believe they are equivalent, which is not the case. Peer relationships suffer in schools when these disparities are not recognized and addressed.