In this discussion board, I’d like you to think about the topics, historical fig

In this discussion board, I’d like you to think about the topics, historical figures and events, and primary sources we covered in this class. What topic, person, primary source selection, or idea did you find most interesting, unusual, surprising, and why? This could be anything. Perhaps a particular historical or fictional person caught your interest. Maybe you found one story, artwork, or philosophical concept particularly compelling. Choose one aspect of anything you came across and expand on your thoughts about it.

Your topic is completely up to you. Just keep it positive. You can objectively critique a story, or a historical figure’s actions, but this is not the place to discuss what you may have disliked.

Your essay will be graded on the following:

quality of ideas
written in grammatically correct prose
Word count: must be at least 300 words (It can be longer if you want.) Word count is not arbitrary. It is meant to help you expand on your ideas.
Your essay should focus on your own opinion regarding the question. You do not need to do any research.

Technical stuff:

Write your essay in software like Microsoft Word for PC or MAC.
Make sure your file is .doc, .docx, or .pdf.
Name your file with your last name and file type (example—Smith.doc)
Please note: if you are using Google docs or Pages, you must save your file as a PDF. You can find instructions for this in the software or by googling “convert Pages/Google docs to .pdf.”
Be sure to save a copy of your work.
Post your paper by the date and time listed here and in the Course Schedule. You must submit your paper here. No essays will be accepted in class or by email.