In this paper, we want to take a closer look at how the media reports on an issue, and how that reporting appeals to (and affects) all of us – as consumers. Therefore, you’ll analyze a media story you have been exposed

In this paper, we want to take a closer look at how the media reports on an issue, and how that
reporting appeals to (and affects) all of us – as consumers. Therefore, you’ll analyze a media
story you have been exposed to in some form or fashion, and critically evaluate the quality of
the reporting therein.
As you introduce the paper, you should initially seek to explain the “5 W’s + H” of
a media story that you’ve been exposed to and chose to base your paper on. These will
make up your introductory paragraphs, and will also be explained in further detail below, this
should take approximately 2-3 paragraphs.
For better understanding of how these “5 W’s and H” fit in with the Statement of
Source and Where/How/Why the story was Found and Chosen sections listed in the
itemized rubric on pages 4 and 5, you’re essentially answering these questions over the
span of those 2-3 paragraphs:
• What type of message was it? (Article/TV News Story/Documentary/etc.)
• What was the title of the message?
• When was it published/aired?
• Who was the author or reporter?
• Where did you initially encounter the message? (Facebook? IG? TV? Google?)
• Why did this message appeal or jump out to you?
• Could you tell, initially, if this message would confirm or oppose your own beliefs
or values? How?
As you shift into the body of the paper, where the vast majority of your content
should reside, you will begin by describing the source of the article or story, itself. A few
of the questions you will be expected to answer and discuss are: What is the outlet who
ran the story? How long have they been in business? What reputation do they have? Is
this a mainstream source that the general public recognizes? Is it generally viewed as a
credible source? Why, or why not? This information should be accompanied with data,
which is readily available through resources such as AdFontes, Statista, Pew Research
and Media Bias Fact Check. This should take approximately 2-3 paragraphs.
From there, you will begin your synopsis of the story. First of all… What was it about? don’t just
give us a general theme. Be sure to tell us what the goal or motivation behind the story was, as
well. Something made this topic “news”, in some way or another. After that, you will be expected
to synopsize and paraphrase the story (basically, re-telling it how they told it – in chronological
order – and with proper source attribution). This should be at least 4 paragraphs.
After telling us WHAT was said in the story on a base level, it will then be your job
to conduct a comparative analysis. Here, please pay particular attention to the HOW.
This is where you’ll take a much closer look at the tone that is carried throughout your
source. Words carry tone.It is almost never “neutral” or “just facts”. If you believe you’d
uncovered or detected a form of bias here, tell us what it is and why it is. Provide specific
examples (with citations) from the story itself…THEN, over the span of multiple, additional
paragraphs, do a comparison/contrast between the story you just synopsized, with at least two other reports or stories on the topic from other outlets/sources. Be sure to cite both in-text and other reports or stories on the topic from other outlets/sources. Be sure to cite both in-text and
on a Works Cited
Continue the comparison/contrast. This time, instead of focusing on the tone, look at the
facts themselves. Is this story presenting information the others collectively are not? Is
the story omitting information the other stories are including? Are different elements or
facts highlighted or focused on more in this story than in the others? Be sure to give all
relevant examples of this. Was the information factual, exaggerated, or in any other way
sensationalized? How so? Were any of the facts muddled and vague, or difficult to pick
out? Were the facts and opinions balanced well overall? Lastly, what do you think the goal of the
story (or ulterior motive) was?
As you conclude, provide some perspective into your view of each source’s
credibility as a result of your analysis, and how it may have changed. Furthermore, also
do discuss whether or not you plan to continue to utilize that particular media outlet as a
source of information. Lastly, discuss if, how, and why this exercise has encouraged you
to look a little closer into stories you’re exposed to in the media. 2-3 paragraphs.
This paper should be approximately 6-8 pages of content, not including your
Cover Page or Works Cited. You should also pay particular attention to grammar and
formatting. This paper should be written in 12-point, Times New Roman font; double-
spaced; and, with 1-inch margins. You should also have at least 4 additional sources
(beyond the one you choose to analyze) for your background info behind the source, as
as well as your comparison/contrast elements. All of the 5 must be legitimate sources, and
have to be properly cited in APA form – on the Works Cited page AND in the actual text.
You should also provide subheadings/titles for every major section of the paper. This is
a necessity, and points will be deducted for papers that appear as a general collection
of paragraphs without any organized/directional/identification elements within. For these
subheadings, you are welcome to type them in bold, 14-point font in the line above your