Literature Review: Include a review of the literature on ethical considerations in qualitative research and mixed methods. Use the essay provided as a starting point.
Critical Analysis: Perform a critical analysis of how these ethical considerations are managed in two case studies of qualitative or mixed research. You may choose studies from your field of interest.
Personal Reflection: Reflect on how these ethical considerations will influence your future research practice. What challenges do you anticipate and how do you plan to address them?
Conclusions: Conclude the importance of ethical considerations in qualitative research and mixed methods, and how they can impact the quality and credibility of the research.
Use an Essay Format:
You must submit your writing double-spaced, in Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier New font, with a font size of 12.
Pay attention to grammatical rules (spelling and syntax).
Your work must be original and must not contain material copied from books or the Internet.
When citing the work of other authors, include citations and references in APA style to respect their intellectual property and avoid plagiarism.
Review the rubric to determine how your assignment will be graded.
Your assignment will be run through Turnitin to check for plagiarism.
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