Answer each of these criteria to earn the twenty (20) points available for the assignment:
1. “Personal Reflection”: Draw a connection between the reading selection and your personal experiences, ideas, and observations in three to five sentences.
2. “Remarkable Quotes”: Choose a quote from the reading selection that you found remarkable. Then tell us, using SWAGG, why you choose it in particular; why did it stand out to you? Give us some detail about how this quote exemplifies a point you’d like to make; explain how this quote connects to broader analysis and application. Remember to cite your source using parenthetical documentation (MLA-style in-text citations).
3. “Follow-up Question”: Ask the author follow-up questions that occurred to you after reading the selection.
4. “Thesis Statement”: Craft a one- or two-sentence thesis statement in response to the text and its topic; remember to integrate the relevance to your audience into your thesis.
5. “Research Questions / Keywords”: Discuss what you would research next in response to the information offered in the text; how would you pursue more insight and information on the concepts and themes presented in this text? Use the 5Ws and an H, along with “Would”, “Could”, and “Should” to brainstorm a list of questions that you could use for research sessions. Share keywords you would search and ideas you’d like to further pursue.
Number your responses to each of the above.
Use MLA format including header, pagination, and original title (the assignment name is not a title).
Grading Policy
Any Reflection Brief that does not conform to MLA will earn a zero for the assignment.
Any Reflection Brief that does not integrate the “Remarkable Quote” using SWAGG will earn a zero for that component.
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