Instructions for Media Diaries
Beginning the first week of class, you are to keep a weekly diary of media that you
watched or listened to that week (clarification: one individual program, news
article, or film per week). Each entry (300-500 words) should include the title, any
production information including director, writer, leading actors (or anchors,
reporters), producer or show runner, producing organization (newspaper, studio or
broadcast network or cable channel), as well as your observations regarding genre,
thematic content, style, and the targeted audience (whom the media is designed to
appeal to the most.) Please date your entry to reflect the time of viewing. There will
be a preliminary submission and review of these diaries in week 6, and the final
diaries are to be submitted together with the final reports by June 13 th 10 a.m.
How to select programs or films for viewing: please select a film, television
program, radio show, podcast or print medium that we have not covered in class. A
list of possible sources is provided in “Helpful Links” on Canvas. Your
selections should feature one or more of the following: 1) Latinx-related themes; 2)
Latinx-created (written, designed, or directed) media; and/or 3) Latinx performers.
The more Latinx related the show or article, the better, but it is also of interest to
comment on the representation of Latinxs in the general media, regardless of the
identity of the creator or producer. Please refrain from surfing Youtube, unless the
film or program is rare and cannot be accessed by any other means. You may also
choose to comment on artisanal or self-produced “home videos” shared on the web.
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