IMPORTANT: Read all instructions carefully and study the rubric, you will be graded using the rubric. Be sure you have included everything the instructions and rubric ask for before you submit your assignment to avoid unnecessarily losing points.
Overview-Important definitions
Marginalized populations Marginalized populations refer to specific groups of peoples or individuals that are relegated to the outer edges of society or social standing, both in this country and abroad. Such people are often denied access to resources and privileges available to mainstream society. This includes access to healthcare and healthcare disparities. Note: Marginalized populations will be a concept important to your Family Cultural Interview Assignment
Cultural Competence: “The ability to deliver health care with knowledge of and sensitivity to cultural factors that influence the health behavior” (AHNA & ANA, 2013, p. 87)
Cultural Diversity is a part of AHNA (2013) Core Value 3. Holistic Communication, Therapeutic Healing Environment and Cultural Diversity. “Culture, beliefs and values are an inherent component of a holistic approach” (p. 17).
AHNA & ANA. (2013). Holistic Nursing: Scope and standards of practice, 2nd Edition. Silver Spring, MD:
¨ Complete the Spiritual Assessment Module.
¨ Read Chapter 21: Nursing Care in a Culturally Diverse World in your Blais & Hayes Textbook.
¨ Read Chapter 6 Cultural and Diversity Aspects of Health and Illness Care Needs and skim Chapter 14 Family-Focused Nursing Actions in your Denham, Eggenberger, Young & Krumwiede textbook
Then complete a cultural assessment of a family (two or more people) with a culturally or ethnically diverse background different from your own. Note: This family cannot have a member who is part of this course.
¨ Get my permission: You MUST get permission from me for the family you wish to interview prior to actually conducting the interview (submit this in writing to the “Assignments” area of D2L)-explain in 1-2 paragraphs how you know this family and why you have chosen this family. I will respond back in the “Assignments” area of D2L with feedback)
¨ Get the family’s permission: Ask the family if they would like to be interviewed and that they are under no obligation to do so, that the interview is completely voluntary. Explain to the family that the purpose of the assignment is to learn about the culture of a family from a diverse population.
¨ Formulate questions and observations: Use the Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model for the family you will interview. Note: you need to sign in with the user name and password you created for Think Cultural Health website when you completed the SoftChalk Module. Be sure to include all 6 assessment areas. An abbreviated version of the tool can also be found on page 162 of your Denham et al. text.
¨ Create a Culturagram during the interview (see this article on how to create):
Congress (2005). Cultural and ethical issues in working with culturally diverse patients and their families, Social Work in Health Care, 39:3-4, 249-262, DOI: 10.1300/J010v39n03_03 available at
o Note: that not all parts of the Culturagram may be applicable and you are free to omit those that do not apply)
¨ Choose a “family level” culturally appropriate nursing intervention you will implement during the interview to assist a family member, or members, or the entire family, based on your assessment. Chapter 14 Family-Focused Nursing Actions in your Denham Textbook is a good source for ideas for nursing actions
¨ Complete the assessment form for all elements from the rubric, submit to Assignments area in D2L
(Please keep information you fill in to three (3) pages, not including references or culturagram)
Student Name________________________ Professor Name_______________________
Date of Interview: __________ Place of interview_________________________________
Initials or Pseudonyms of Family Members Present for Interview (note: at least two family members must be present for interview):____________________________________________________
Congress, E. P. (2005). Cultural and Ethical Issues in Working with Culturally Diverse Patients and Their Families. Social Work in Health Care, 39(3-4), 249-262,
De Ruiter, H., Demma, J. M., Kriegl, M., & Schulze, J. (2016). Chapter 6: Cultural and diversity aspects of health and illness care needs. In S. Denham, S. Eggenberger, P. Young & N. Krumwiede. Family-focused nursing care, (pp. 162). FA Davis.
Be sure to complete the reference list based on citations you used to support your nursing action
(fill in the template below)