Instructions for writing your book reviews
Book Reviews (60 points each of two reviews)
To receive full credit you must..
• Submit a review of a minimum length of four (4) pages and maximum length of six
(6) pages
Make sure you read the entire book.
Use page references within your paper noting the page number in parentheses from material found throughout the book…
Place a heading and title on your review (see example below)
Use “header/footer” function to place page numbers, centered at the bottom of each page
Book & Movle Review Format:
a) Double-spaced (not single, 1.5 or triple spaced)
b) One-inch margins left, right, top and bottom
c) Times New Roman or Arial ONLY.
d) 12-point font size ONLY.
f) Title page as shown below:
HIS 268
Your name
Due date
Professor Swain
A Rumor of War
Author Phlip Caputo served as an Army officer in Viet Nam during the Viet Nam
War. During this time he describes.
(Start your review on this first page, no title page)
Book Review Content and Style:
A summary of the book indicating general subject matter and the author’s thesis.
Follow through on one or more of the characters in the book. Which made an impression on you? Why? What parts of the book caused you to think, reflect, be surprised, shocked, angry, and so forth?
When you paraphrase and quote directly from parts of the book, use in-text parenthetical references indicating page number. EX: (p. 45).
Be very specific in relating accounts from the book. If you simply generalize your report, I can only assume that you did not read the book but merely skimmed it. Jot down notes, impressions, reactions as you read, highlight key statements and facts in the book
Instructor’s evaluation criteria:
Your work will be evaluated using the following criteria…
Is your discussion well organized? Are your arguments validated?
Is the paper well-written and easy for a reader who has never read the book to understand?
Does the paper show some creativity and original insight?
Is the paper largely free of errors in grammar, syntax and spelling?
Does the paper use in-text, parenthetical references to pages or other sources wherever needed? Have you avoided plagiarism?
Did you follow formatting instructions as listed in the Module’s “Book Review” page link?
Important Note: Even though I may initially submit a passing grade on your researched assignment, if I receive a report from that indicates a possibility of plagiarism, I will change your grade accordingly
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