Instructions: Develop a PowerPoint presentation that presents and illustrates yo

Develop a PowerPoint presentation that presents and illustrates your obstacle to critical 
*PowerPoint is an all-encompassing phrase – use PowerPoint, Google Slides, etc.*
Obstacles were chosen in week two (see discussion 1.6 Starting the Obstacles Project)
Your presentation will include the following, but not limited to:
A summary of the obstacle
Two to three real-life examples:
discuss a time when you fell victim to this obstacle
or a situation in which you witnessed the obstacle
Analysis of this obstacle to critical thinking involved:
What factors contribute to this type of thinking?
In other words, what causes it?
What are the weaknesses of this type of thinking?
How does this type of thinking inhibit you and U.S. society as a whole?
Who are the victims of this type of thinking?
Do you have any ideas on how to minimize this type of thinking?
Your analysis is not limited to a discussion of only these questions.
Discussion of the medium(s) in which the problem occurs:
media, advertising, texts, politics, and public discourse.
Provide examples
References page
You can include videos, examples, ads, pictures, etc., to add to your overall project—it should be aesthetically pleasing.
Be Creative! Be thorough! Be reflective and analytical!