Instructions Learning Activity 7: Technological Tool Web Instructions: This lear

Learning Activity 7: Technological Tool Web
This learning activity will require you to experiment with using a Google tool. Please sign-up for a free Google account, if you do not already have one. Once you have created an account, explore the Google tools (e.g.,  Google Docs/Google Drawing). Select one to use to create your own Technological Tool Web. This web should include one or two technological tools covered this week in the lesson, etc. You will use the Google tool to expand on one or two of our favorite tools. You will need to create a web/ graphic organizer showing the possible applications of your selected tool(s) within and across subject areas, as applicable to your educational setting.
Your Technological Tool Web should include at least one or two tools from this week’s lesson. It should include at least four applications of the tool(s) in total. Along with applications, include the pertinent state or national standard(s), if you are a K-12 educator. Consider using colors, shapes, or other visual elements to enhance your web. Most important, this web should relate to your Pre-Plan for Personalized Learning, which you have been developing over the last few weeks.
Technological Tool Web Grading Criteria
Create a Technological Tool Web  using a Google tool
Include at least one or two technology tools from this week’s lesson/module and at least four application examples, in total, within or across subject areas. Technological tools and application ideas are rational and align with the Pre-Plan for Personalized Learning
Technological tool applications are explicitly listed and connected to state or national standards. The standards are clearly stated and referenced according to APA style.
Document follows APA style and in-text references/citations accordingly
Document includes visual elements (e.g, color font, shapes, arrows) and is submitted on time
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