Introduction to using research and evidence Assignment Guideline

Module 1 level 4: Introduction to using research and evidence Assignment

Word length: 2500 words


Annotated bibliography of 3 papers on a negotiated and student choice subject related to health and social care which feeds forwards into a literature review summary from the annotated bibliography

Assignment Part 1 Suggested Framework:


  • Give a rationale for studying your chosen topic
  • Outline important facts about your chosen topic
  • Outline how you did a search and selected your 3 chosen sources

Annotated Bibliography

For 3 papers, outline the following:

Summary – what is it about?

  1. What is the author’s purpose, aim or research question?
  2. What is the main argument, finding or conclusion

Evaluation – what do you think about the text?

  1. What do you think are the main strengths?
  2. Are there any weaknesses or flaws with the research?

Reflection – how might you use it?

  1. Has the text helped you understand something more in depth?
  2. How has it changed how you think about your research topic?

Literature Review Summary

  • Give an overview of the main points of each source
  • Identify the similarities and differences between the sources
  • Conclude, by combiningthem into a coherent whole final summary of the topic

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