Introduction As indicated in Unit 1, you will develop a personal resource guide

As indicated in Unit 1, you will develop a personal resource guide of significant historical figures within the field of psychology. Each week you will identify an individual or individuals that stood out to you from the required reading sources associated with the unit. The instructions vary from unit to unit. Be certain to read each one before completing the assessment. 
This resource guide assesses CLO2. 
Unit 4 introduced you to an array of significant historical figures including all those considered the most important contributors to American psychology. Select three historical figures to include in your personal resource guide. In your own words, write a concise summary of the individuals selected and their contributions to psychology (three pages). In addition, gather additional resources that offer insight into the historical figures you selected. This could include videos, research articles, websites, etc. Include the additional resources in your write-up. 
Formatting Expectations
This should be a double-spaced, 12-point font Word document.