IQ 401 QU Health & Medical Foundation of Integrative Medicine Practice Quiz


IQ-401 – Foundations of Integrative Medicine


Determining the integrity of the immune system is difficult; lymph drainage, adrenal support, relaxation, adequate rest, and more all influence the overall quality. A controversial yet important factor of immunity is found examining yeast syndrome. Dealing with yeast overgrowth is controversial because of all these reasons, EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. people don’t believe reducing yeast has anything to do with their diet.b. it takes a lot of work to just strengthen the bowel flora.c. there is resistance on the part of individuals with limiting intake of sugar, wheat, and dairy products.d. family doctors effectively advise their clients on yeast overgrowth.


To plan a path toward growth, integration, and full potentiality involves developing a broad evaluative map. Sometimes, however, you can tell by looking at an individual what might be going on inside. What is an expected mapping ratio?

Choose one answer.

a. 4% physical, and the rest is associated with the vital and mental bodies.b. 10% mental, and the rest is associated with the vital and physical bodies.c. 10% physical, and the rest is associated with the vital and mental bodies.d. 4% vital, and the rest is associated with the physical and mental bodies.


Oxidation is a common denominator in just about any health issue, a major entropic factor. From the biochemistry of the body, we know that humans produce free radicals, which are by-products of oxidation. The following are examples of the oxidative process EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. a newborn child, pink and crying and aging from that momentb. an apple hanging on the tree which scavenges its free radicalsc. a wrinkled old man at 100 years of aged. an apple left on the table for a month, and it shrinks


If the liver is in balance, then memory is good; people feel on target and are said to elaborate with lucidity and discernment. Sexuality and the fabric of the sexual hormones is in the liver. A deficiency presents as: (check all that apply)

Choose at least one answer.

a. anemia, frigidity, and impotenceb. sadness, poor concentration, and maniac. overwhelming emotions, apathy, and self-destructiond. loss of vision, poor circulation, and weight loss


There is a definite science to the power of nutrition, which entails much more than the considerations of the food pyramid or the dietary category that people align themselves with, such as vegetarian, lacto-vegetarian, etc. This means all EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. there is more assimilative benefit in having a positive state of mind, than simply taking in food aloneb. aside from digestion, nutrient assimilation is enhanced through breathing exercises and yogac. consuming a diet we enjoy is more important than following any nutritional guidelines.d. the subtle energy constitution of an individual plays a significant role in nutrient assimilation


Drouin (2015) explains that positive health is embedded within everyone, within the quantum self. Full potentiality of the self can be actualized through proper knowledge and fine tuning What is full potentiality? Choose from the following examples:

Choose one answer.

a. feeling like supermanb. there is no such thing as full potentialityc. none of thesed. having no disease symptoms


The throat chakra has to do with speaking and exaltation. There are two components of the voice: sonority and volume. Sonority comes from the heart and represents feeling. For instance, if a person is in love, they have a pitch to their voice that is recognizable. If someone is broken-hearted, mourning for the person they love, the voice loses its tone. It’s easy to remember that the throat chakra has to do with ______________, just as the heart chakra involves love.

Choose one answer.

a. communication, expressionb. talking, yellingc. whispering, cryingd. exaltation, prayer


In a restorative health program, the vital force produces the healing crisis symptoms: allergies, digestive issues, sexual or emotional changes. The life force is responsible for protecting the innermost level of life, reflective of Hering’s Law of Cure, in which symptoms resolve directionally: (check all that apply)

Choose at least one answer.

a. in the reverse order of presentation.b. from a more important organ to a less important one.c. from within outwards.d. from top to bottom.


The sacral chakra is associated with sexuality because this area is where the sexual and reproductive organs are located. The sacral chakra is also called the naval chakra. When we feel good about ourselves, we feel an energy boost in our navel chakra. Which of these cases might present as energy going out of the sacral chakra? (check all that apply)

Choose at least one answer.

a. Jeremiah just got a raise and calls to tell his wife how much he loves his job.b. Joeni is a portrait artist and at her first public showing, she gets an extreme case of the jitters.c. Joshua is elated because, after ten years of waiting, his wife has just given birth to a son.d. Jaime arrives at the airport and finds that she has forgotten to pack the children’s passports.


The stomach is associated with desire and is also the source of appetite. If deficiently nurtured, the resulting effect is unsatisfied desire and wanting to grab everything because of never having enough. Which of the following scenarios is NOT symptomatic of deficient nurture?

Choose one answer.

a. Tammie dreams of extravagant places, but becomes angry when company uses the fancy towels in the guest room.b. Brett has never missed a day of work, makes a good wage, yet resents providing a home and food for his children.c. Ruth lives in a large home; surrounded by her favorite things; she and her husband worked very hard for what they have.d. Sharon is an antique connoisseur, she sets up a shop to sell her wares; when a potential buyer approaches, she informs them they can’t afford what she has.


Quantum evaluation is a study of human nature, personality type, and constitution, and it allows the healer to explore the nuances or subtleties associated with the individual. The overall purpose is to induce a positive outcome. It is possible to choose a remedy that works ________.

Choose one answer.

a. most of the time with most clientsb. every time with the first attemptc. yet often quite rare to hit the goal the first timed. most of the time on the first attempt


Our holistic self evolves in healthy patterns; no pain, feeling good, having energy, and then integration. Integration is the process of evolving from an ego mode to a self mode. An example of integration is: (check all that apply)

Choose at least one answer.

a. having unconditional love and compassion.b. developing incredible physique.c. communicating well, feeling the enjoyment of exaltation.d. being able to explain quantum physics to anyone.


The element of fire supports the enrichment and enjoyment of life, close relationships, and being receptive to one another. Which of the following scenarios is representative of a deficiency of fire (ego mode)? (check all that apply)

Choose at least one answer.

a. Breck invites his toddler granddaughters for a weekly outing to the park, even though his son, the children’s father, is estranged from the family unit.b. Lexi is saddened by a losing a spouse to divorce 5 years ago; and cannot bring herself to attempt another relationship.c. Beatrice visits 2 friends who have been hospitalized; bringing them flowers and berries from her garden; the laughter can be heard down the hall.d. Susie had cared for her husband while he suffered with cancer; 3 years later she herself is diagnosed with cancer, and the children cannot cope with losing another parent.


We have purpose in life. We need to have vision, a clarity about where we are going. Through the heart chakra, the chakra of love, we contribute to society. The “how goes your plan” assessment deals with not only what we desire, but also the impulse in life and the strategies we use to get us where we are going. An appropriate question for the healer to assess how life’s plans are going would be all EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. Are you confident when you make a decision?b. How frustrated are you when things don’t go your wayc. Do you usually find a solution to the challenge in your life??d. Are you bodacious?


The practitioner is the one who assigns meaning to the assessment information; mapping the findings is much more thorough because of the healer/healee interaction and relationship. Which of these statements reflects a therapeutic understanding of quantum evaluation?

Choose one answer.

a. I must inform the client about quantum physics to shift their understanding of reality.b. I must collect a list of contributing factors that create disharmony.c. The abundance of digital technologies and medical equipment available can heal anyone.d. I help to make the healee aware they are behind their health issues.


In North America, hormonal concerns are pervading the lives and minds of young and old, male and female, and advertising is rampant with treatments for people having problems with their sexuality. To compound that, everyone is worried about genetics of the heart and circulation and concerned about losing our minds, with dementia being at an all-time high. What strategies does transformer technology have to prevent the deleterious effects of aging, rather than just waiting for the consequences? (check all that apply)

Choose at least one answer.

a. An organotherapeutic arsenal of substances regenerates organs and tissues of the bodyb. Transformer technology is not only therapeutic regeneratively, but is easy to use with transdermal application as a spray.c. Overall regeneration of the cells has implications to the aging process; the formula called the stem is therapeutic for that.d. Formulas which regenerate cells, brain, hormones, thyroid, circulation, and pain are available for use.


“How is your ability to let go” is an important question because we all know people who live in the past, still holding onto things. The best way to be unhappy is to hold onto the past. Some people feel that their best time in life was when they were 20 and therefore fail to enjoy life in the present. A clinical sort of question: “Have you had enough of your symptoms?” strikes people with surprise and doubt. When they can’t respond appropriately, the reason might be all EXCEPT?

Choose one answer.

a. People don’t feel comfortable leaving the sick role behind.b. People aren’t ready let go of what is causing their symptoms.c. People want a quick fix that avoids the effort of letting things god. People haven’t grasped the idea of being totally rid of their disease.


Creative transformation, self-mode versus ego-mode, can be applied to the study of the chakras. The concept of hormonology is evident based on how organs and their associated glands can affect feelings and behaviors. Examples of non-matching ego and self polarities, evidenced by chakra symptomatology, are:

Choose one answer.

a. clarity and confusionb. romance and jealousyc. proactivity and restd. pride and unworthiness


Fire means love, energy, and stamina. The heart is the masterpiece; when master heart is healthy, everything works well. Appropriate assessment questions to ask the client are: (check all that apply)

Choose at least one answer.

a. Does your heart hurt?b. Do you feel that you were loved as a child?c. How easy is it for you to receive?d. Do you have joy and laughter in your life?


Relieving oxidation involves some component of organotherapy because pain can occur anywhere in the musculoskeletal system and be highly degenerative by the time people seek naturopathic care. By the time people reach their 60s, there is tremendous degeneration, and although it may not be possible to fix everything, we can expect to evoke relief by: (check all that apply)

Choose at least one answer.

a. rebuilding and restoring health, using homeopathic substancesb. medicating with anti-inflammatory drugs or cortisone shots to the jointsc. using organic components to address inflammation as well as regenerate tissued. incorporating vital force technology to mitigate stressors and promote rest.


Quantum evaluation could be considered difficult, because most people are unacquainted with its modes of thought and observation. (check all that apply)

Choose one answer.

a. learning how to collect useable datab. becoming acquainted with different assessment modalitiesc. identifying remedies that resonate the best with the clientd. all of these


In conventional medicine, there are many diseases categorized as autoimmune in which the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body. The initial problem is inflammation. The best response to inflammation is to:

Choose one answer.

a. find the conflict, and what is causing itb. prescribe anti-inflammatory medicinesc. change the environment and dietd. explore the psychosomatic component.


Entanglement, the concept that we are all interconnected, lends itself to the premise that the way the healer perceives their own health and own potentiality will show through in their rapport with and engagement of the client. Creative integrative medicine is the science which addresses all of the following EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. potentiality rather than fatalityb. the healee is responsible for their health issuesc. what is happening within the whole individuald. testing and diagnosis of symptomatology


The pineal gland, the third eye, is linked to the brow chakra and is how we experience clarity or confusion and powers the pituitary autoimmune nervous system. When we concentrate, our eyebrows focus and we feel heat in the point of our “third eye.” This is also the chakra that “opens” when we have _____________.

Choose one answer.

a. intuitive insightsb. compassionc. déjà vud. flashbacks


Quantum evaluation involves intuition and clarity. Society itself is suffering from a lack of clarity; it’s recognizable that there is something sick out there. How can we have an effect at the societal level? We begin by healing ourselves. The Noosphere project operates on the concept of having a rippling effect by starting with one’s self. Doctors and healers are in line to generate and regenerate all EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. alignmentb. peacec. mortalityd. coherence


If we feel insecure, we feel energy going out, like “butterflies” in the stomach. Which chakra would be represented with this feeling?

Choose one answer.

a. navelb. throatc. rootd. crown


The client evaluation must be thorough enough to design an appropriate remedial plan. For this reason, it is very important that the practitioner has a good set of evaluative tools. Examples of these are: (check all that apply)

Choose at least one answer.

a. Rife frequency generator, that eradicates virus and bacteriab. Thermography and GDV, that assess the strength of the auric fieldc. PEMF mat device, to treat inflammation and joint paind. Heart variability software, that evaluates the health of the heart


The solar plexus is involved with the power of manifestation and social presence, which includes the sense of all of the following qualities EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. audacityb. contributionc. sexualityd. worthiness


An empty, underperforming ________, correlated with the Vital-Mental body. will produce melancholy, overwhelmed by emotions, fear of death, apathy, fear of speaking, and impotence.

Choose one answer.

a. Sacral Chakrab. Throat Chakrac. Gallbladderd. Liver


Memories bring us to the place where we can experience feelings, but memories change and they flow. The heart chakra is associated with romance and universal love. Which of the following would NOT be considered a deficiency of the heart chakra?

Choose one answer.

a. chronic fatigueb. allergiesc. diseases of the immune systemd. brain cancer


The element of letting things go has to do with forgiveness. The necessary forgiveness is often not directed toward others but toward oneself. A supportive therapy called Emotional Freedom Technique is most successful when tapping areas of the body while stating positive affirmations such as: (check all that apply)

Choose one answer.

a. “I accept this part of me, but not that part of me.”b. “I see people looking at me, and I don’t like it.”c. “I am suffering and this is necessary for my healing”d. “I deeply and completely accept myself.”


We fluctuate. Some days we feel like superman and other days we feel like a limp noodle. The creative doctor would be able to ask questions of the client but also observe the color of their skin, the brightness of their eyes, the tone of their voice, the way they walk, the way they stand, the way they express themselves, the tonality of the voice, and the way they breathe. Which of the following people when presenting for assessment would raise an alarm first?

Choose one answer.

a. Ruth, 84 years old, who is a widow for 25 years, isolates herself from society, and complains that her heart hurts.b. Jared, 21 years old, who is emaciated, smells of tobacco and complains of low back pain.c. Kendal, 23 years old, presents with a migraine and reports he has thought of hurting himself.d. Pam, 45 years old, who is irritated by the behavior of others and complains of post nasal drip.


People can exist in either the ego or the self mode. In quantum evaluation, there is a certain amount of subjectivity when it comes to assessing the quality of emotion or sentiment, or how self-actualized an individual is. When the archetype of an emotion or feeling reaches its maximum, the self mode is realized and the more integrated we are. This is a much easier way to observe the status of a person, instead of getting lost in hundreds of symptoms. This is an explanation of the ______________ approach.

Choose one answer.

a. consciousnessb. alternativec. evaluatived. multi-disciplinary


The idea of health that we must instill in our clients is related more to a state of well-being. The subjectivity of being healthy is not only an absence of disease, but how energetic you feel. Drouin (2015) notes that during a client evaluation someone might say, “I am already perfect.” “We have everything inside to heal ourselves.” How might the healer respond therapeutically to these statements?

Choose one answer.

a. “Did the Doctor give you a diagnosis? Ok, then it’s true, you are not sick.”b. “Yes, but you are sick, and there are ways to improve your health potential.”c. “Let’s just have you take this test, and we’ll see how perfect you are.”d. “We will be able to find everything that is wrong with a thorough physical exam.”


Some people have too much. In our lives we need a vision, a target, a strategy to get where we’re going, and finally, an impulse to ‘go for it’. ___________ has much to do with our vitality and impulsiveness to act.

Choose one answer.

a. The gallbladderb. Our sense of valuesc. The heart chakrad. Morphogenetic resonance


The element associated with the stomach, spleen, and pancreas also serves to assess the question: How is your nurturing? Some people feel like they are in a deep hole because as children they were not nurtured by their families, causing them to be very demanding in a close relationship. What indicators might the healer assess for?

Choose one answer.

a. productivity, complacency, thoughtfulness and denialb. attraction, jealousy, hopefulness and understandingc. sympathy, productivity, manipulation and over excitementd. compassion, positivity, happiness and love


An assessment of sentimentality, or the inability to let things go, could possibly reveal which of the following sets of symptoms?

Choose one answer.

a. Dysentery, mouth sores, jealousy, and somnolenceb. Joint pain, hair loss, sadness ,and fearc. Rosacea, colitis, restlessness, and mental disturbanced. Coldness, dysentery, irritability, and resentment


The pillar of immunity is about _______, which is a major consideration because in today’s world people deal with all kinds of stressors, especially in terms of food choices, internal flora, yeasts, parasites, and viruses. Maintenance of the _______ of the body is important because when immunity is strengthened, resistance in increased.

Choose one answer.

a. energy; healthb. integrity; toxinsc. health, milieud. integrity; integrity


The constitutional aspect of ourselves is important to understand because dietary considerations are not a “one size fits all” assessment. With the carbonic, phosphoric, or fluoric body constitutions in mind, which of the following questions would the healer ask?

Choose one answer.

a. Would vital force technology increase the cell oxygenation of the digestive organs?b. Which homeo-technology mineral salt will promote assimilation?c. How well does this client eliminate, and are these organs supported?d. All of these


It is said that American people have the most expensive urine in the world. Why? Because they take a lot of vitamins and health products that they don’t assimilate. As assimilation is an important key to health maintenance, we can increase it by: (check all that apply)

Choose at least one answer.

a. relying on a diet consisting of meatb. combining food together to make meals more digestiblec. consuming a routine diet of sprouted foodsd. being mindful of the type of food eaten, and how we relate to it


In modern life, with stress and fast-paced lifestyles, chi can wane. Chinese Taoist medicine views chi as capital; a resource or reservoir people are born with, and when it’s empty, life is over. However, the more we understand about the chi, the more we realize there are ways to _______ this life force. Which of the following terms does not apply?

Choose one answer.

a. restoreb. locatec. preserved. enhance


The ancestral energy of chi is the vitality, the nectar, the elixir of life. On the other side, there is stamina. Which of the following questions, if asked by the healer, would be inappropriate to assess for chi?

Choose one answer.

a. Does the future make you anxious?b. How is your sex life?c. Do you feel you just can’t face another day?d. Are you heartbroken?


The Pillar of elimination is important to look at first because it is the way humans discard waste. Over time people accumulate a wide array of toxins. The following are all organs of elimination except:

Choose one answer.

a. liverb. stomachc. gallbladderd. large intestine


Regarding the issue of developing assessment procedures without presenting the client with an exhausting questionnaire, there must be some practicality. Mapping is a way to organize information that will guide the client to full potential; it helps by promoting all of these EXCEPT

Choose one answer.

a. striving towards entropyb. creating a state of positive healthc. unlocking stressorsd. evaluating health contributors


When utilizing modalities of quantum healing to eliminate toxins, the phenomenon of healing crisis often occurs; these symptoms of toxin release are viewed as detrimental side effects. It’s important to recognize a healing crisis because it can be a basket full of problems; people experience disagreeable symptoms regardless of the therapy, and enhanced elimination is one of them. What would be an appropriate healer response to the situation? (check all that apply)

Choose at least one answer.

a. discontinued detoxification therapyb. assure that healing symptoms are normalc. monitor for emergency conditionsd. advise optimal water intake


The chakras are places in our physical bodies where the vital energy is localized; where we experience feelings. The crown chakra, at the top of the head, is most associated with:

Choose one answer.

a. confidence sexuality, and securityb. worthiness, sexuality, and nurturec. fear, survival, and rootednessd. satisfaction, despair, and life purpose


The gallbladder is the “go for it” organ. When in balance we are said to be courageous, audacious, fearless, and have temerity. Discontentment is a potent symptom of gallbladder excess because when people don’t achieve, they’re not happy with themselves. Which of the following clients is the LEAST likely to be presenting with gallbladder in excess?

Choose one answer.

a. Pamela arrives to work each morning agitated; no one ever does anything right in the office, and she wants to just scream.b. Jeremiah only sleeps 6 hours every night and works outside in the heat.c. Joan, although feeling exhausted, is having trouble sleeping; anxious and worries about everything.d. Suzanne is sure her husband is cheating on her, and daydreams about what she will do to him.


The unexpected value of working to heal others, is that the healer also gains healing benefits. The healer becomes: (check all that apply)

Choose at least one answer.

a. attuned to their ability to achieve full potentiality withinb. discouraged by not being able to achieve perfection
c. awakened to their own limitationsd. aware of their own beliefs and values


The self mode of the crown chakra is to have more clarity. People have been healed after a moment of clarity because it causes them to change their lifestyles, do things differently, think differently, and make different choices. Spontaneous healing is universal and could happen anywhere to anyone. It is inappropriate for the healer to:

Choose one answer.

a. facilitate such an event to happen for the client.b. make the client aware of such an event.c. ensure the client experiences this event.d. be aware of the possibility of such an event.


An important part of the assessment process is to begin to understand the client in terms of chakra presentation. The chakras are the places in the body where you feel your:

Choose one answer.

a. vital energyb. organsc. heartbeatd. inner self

The post IQ 401 QU Health & Medical Foundation of Integrative Medicine Practice Quiz first appeared on Roaming Nurse.