IT security is a major topic, as there are security breaches announced frequentl

IT security is a major topic, as there are security breaches announced frequently that impact individuals and businesses. Using the following site, select a recent breach and review what took place and the impacts on individuals. On the site, click on any of the bubbles showing a breach and you will be taken directly to the article addressing the breach. In a 2-3 page APA-formatted paper, summarize the incident, focusing on the information that is breached rather than the technologies. Address why securing information is so important for individuals and businesses. Present 2-3 recommendations that you would make to better secure information and protect privacy.
The required page length does not include the cover or references pages. All written work must adhere to APA 7th edition academic formatting requirements including
core components such as the cover page, page numbers, headings, citations, 1” margins,
paragraph indentations, left alignment, double spacing throughout, and the final references using
hanging indents.