IT8083 Fundamentals of programming Assignment, NUS, Singapore: When the index.html page loads on the browser, the javascript should load and run automatically

1. When the index.html page loads on the browser, the javascript should load and run automatically.

(a) The program should auto-create TWO admin user Objects in an array
(e.g. userArray[]).

(b) The member Object shall have the following properties:
i. userID
ii. userName
iii. userPwd

Example of admin users:

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(c) The program should auto-create THREE feedback item Objects in an
array (e.g. itemArray[]).

(d) The feedback item Object shall have the following properties:
i. customer name
ii. customer email
iii. feedback rating
iv. comments

(e) Initialise any required global variables.

Example of feedback items:

2. Organise codes in the form of functions (where applicable) with useful comments where applicable

3. The application consists of the following working features:
(a) Feedback form
(b) Validation
(c) Feedback submission
(d) Admin Login
(e) Display feedback
(f) Simple analysis e.g. average feedback rating, no. of feedbacks etc
(g) User experience

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