Legal Case Study  Evaluate a real world example of copyright or legal dispute in

Legal Case Study 
Evaluate a real world example of copyright or legal dispute in the music industry. Explain the arguments used on both sides and the rationale for the resolution (or otherwise) of the dispute. Outline the consequences for the parties concerned and the implications for any precedent set by the case.
3000 words minimum (can be up to 3300 words)
UK English / Harvard referencing
High level reference sources please – Google Scholar etc.
Subject – YouTube Copyright Legal Case Study
Case study has to be music related please
Full list of learning outcomes that all need to be addressed in the study plus the suggested layout are in the attached file for your reference.
2 example essays which show the University’s referencing requirements are attached.
Deadline for submission is midday (12pm B.S.T) Thursday 2 May 2024
Ideas – 
YouTube Case Study
·      Article 13 EU Copyright Directive (UK/EU – Poland refused to enforce)
·      Safe under DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act
·      YT protection methods (Content ID – developed own)
·      Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act
·      YT processes if issues flagged
·      Electronic Frontier Foundation
·      YT growth as a platform and diversification
·      Ethical implications of lawsuits against YT and YT making money from artists
·      Ethics – low payments to users/creators and work creators do to make the material and upload
·      Parental advisory UK & US equivalent?