Let’s examine what cultural issue pulls at your heart. What dangers or abuses or

Let’s examine what cultural issue pulls at your heart. What dangers or abuses or issues do you want to expose to your readers? The first part of your assignment, then, is to do some research into the issue that you choose.  You will need to find 4 references – these can be online, books, scholarly or newspaper articles, perhaps even a well sourced blog or a personal interview. What is important is that the issue matters to you. As you are researching, compile an annotated bibliography. That is, write down your reference and then follow your citation with 4 or 5 sentences that tell what information is contained in the source. How will this information inform your detective story? Jot down your ideas. This is your script. 
Now that you have prepared your script, make a video presentation for your classmates. Using Video Note is the easiest and most efficient way to video your presentation. You might prefer to use your phone and record for You Tube. Or if you are comfortable with Apple or some other software, you can use that, but do double check that we can download it. Your presentation will only be about 2 minutes or so in length. Be sure that you mention your four references as you talk about the issue that concerns you and how you intend to weave this issue into your detective story.
Cite your references at the end of your video and type them into the comments or description area in case your classmates want to find them.
Upload a link to your video in the Discussion box so that you can share with your classmates. Then comment on several of your classmates’ posts. 16 points.
Video Report – Research on a cultural issue
Discussion Topic