Lifestyle Research Paper This paper should be 1500 words long and must have at l

Lifestyle Research Paper
This paper should be 1500 words long and must have at least 5 references
cited. The majority of the paper must be written in your own words, and if you use any direct quotes, then
they need to be cited as such, with quotation marks and the name of the source. The topic is this: pick any
three of the Lifestyle Project categories and describe how these changes could be brought about on a
scale larger than one individual. Could a conservation effort like this work on a community, state, or
national level? Give suggestions for how this would work and specific ideas for how it could be
implemented. Your paper can contain some of your own ideas, but should be primarily composed of
referenced research from other sources.
topic chosen:
ELECTRICITY AND WATER – Trim the fat off your excess energy consumption by reducing your
water and electricity needs by at least 50%. To do this, you can do the following things: turn the lights
off when you’re not around; turn on only one light instead of two; replace incandescent light bulbs with
fluorescent bulbs; read next to a window; leave the TV and the stereo off; don’t leave your computer and
all its accessories on when you are not using them (use the hibernate mode); cook meals that don’t
require lots of burners at once or long cooking times; use the microwave instead of the stove or oven;
take a shower at half the usual duration; turn the water down in the shower so it’s not full blast; take a
cooler shower; don’t leave the water running while washing, shaving, brushing your teeth, or washing
dishes; skip the blow dryer and electric razor; don’t use any unnecessary appliances; run the washing
machine and dishwasher only when totally full; and hang laundry to dry instead of using the dryer. If
you do all of these things it is possible to cut your consumption by 50% or more. The first week, you’ll
do this on two days, and you will add one more day each week, until you have four days for the last
The production of meat requires a large amount of water and energy, an.
This paper should be 3 to 5 pages long and must have at least 3 references cited. The majority of the paper must be written in your own words, and if you use any direct quotes, then they need to be cited as such, with quotation marks and the name of the source.
The topic is this: pick any three of the Lifestyle Project categories and describe how these changes could be brought about on a scale larger than one individual. Could a conservation effort like this work on a community, state, or national level? Give suggestions for how this would work and specific ideas for how it could be implemented. Your paper can contain some of your own ideas, but should be primarily composed of referenced research from other sources.
May 3rd, 2024. There is no required