Question 1 ( 7 marks) As organisations become more technology-driven, which do you think will become more important: the management of the human element of the organisation or the management of technology? Discuss your view and support your arguments with key research findings. Answer this question in 300 words. ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type Question 2 (11 marks) What is meant by the cultural values of individualism and masculinity or femininity? How might these values affect organisation design and management processes? Answer this question in 300 words and support your arguments with key research findings. ANSWER: Question 3 (11 marks) The approach managers use to make decisions usually falls into one of three categories – classical model, administrative model or political model. The choice of approach used depends on the manager’s personal preferences; whether the decision is programmed or non-programmed; or the extent of certainty, risk, uncertainty or ambiguity. Explain the classical model, the administrative model and the political model and provide examples/key research findings to support your claims in 300 words. ANSWER: HC1031 Final Assessment T1 2021 Question 4 (7 marks) One of the benefits of a strategy map is that goals and how they are linked can be communicated clearly to everyone in the organisation. Does a minimum-wage maintenance worker in a hospital really need to understand any goals beyond keeping the place clean? Discuss your opinion and support your arguments with key research findings in 300 words. ANSWER: Question 5 (7 marks) Consider the leadership position of a senior partner in a law firm. What task, subordinate, and organisational factors might serve as substitutes for leadership in this situation? support your arguments with key research findings and answer this question in 300 words. ANSWER: Question 6 (7 marks) Describe the advantages of using a balanced scorecard to measure and control organisational performance in 200 words. Suppose you created a balanced scorecard for McDonald’s. What specific customer service measures would you include? Discuss your opinion and support your claims/arguments with key research findings (Answer this question in 300 words). ANSWER: HC1031 Final Assessment T1 2021 END OF FINAL ASSESSMENT Submission instructions: • Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. EMV54897 HC2121 • Submission must be in MICROSOFT WORD FORMAT ONLY • Upload your submission to the appropriate link on Blackboard • Only one submission is accepted. Please ensure your submission is the correct document. • All submissions are automatically passed through SafeAssign to assess academic integrity. Reference requirements Assessment Design – Adapted Harvard Referencing Holmes will be implementing as a pilot program a revised Harvard approach to referencing. The following guidelines apply: 1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources which provide full text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers. 2. The Reference list should be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: References. 3. It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged alphabetically A-Z by author surname. In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source. For example; P Hawking, B McCarthy, A Stein (2004), Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of Information Systems Education, Fall, 4. All assignments will require additional in-text reference details which will consist of the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page HC1031 Final Assessment T1 2021 number of content, paragraph where the content can be found. For example; “The company decided to implement a enterprise wide data warehouse business intelligence strategies (Hawking et al, 2004, p3(4)).” Non-Adherence to Referencing Guidelines Where students do not follow the above guidelines: 1. Students who submit assignments which do not comply with the guidelines will be asked to resubmit their assignments. 2. Late penalties will apply, as per the Student Handbook each day, after the student/s have been notified of the resubmission requirements. 3. Students who comply with guidelines and the citations are “fake” will be reported for academic misconduct.
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