May 13th “Reflection” SBW
Directions: Please respond in your own words. Response needs to be at least 5-6 sentences, contain details and ELABORATION, and follow the RACES format or whatever writing format that works for you.
***Your response must be AT LEAST 5-6 sentences!***
Writing Prompt Question:
You have made it to your final SBW for Gothic Lit! Yay congrats!!! Please read the passage below and answer all questions in complete sentences.
Think back over the last semester about all you have learned and read from the Gothic Horror Genre. Do you like it more than you did at the beginning of the semester? What did you like the least about the Gothic Horror Genre, be specific. Is there a character from any of the texts we have read that you liked or didn’t like, who and why? Is there an author from any of the texts we have read that you liked or didn’t like, who and why? Have you achieved your goals for school this semester? Lastly, tell me your goals for after this semester… are you graduating or still working on your credits to graduate?
Having trouble getting started? 5/13 Reflection SBW Sentence Starters
1 to 2 complete sentences may get you partial credit, please try to complete this assignment. Submitting just sentence starters will not.
Standard: 9-10.ML.1
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