MBA Assignment, UOM, Singapore: You are asked to undertake a financial ratio analysis of your chosen organisation

Question 1

You are asked to undertake a financial ratio analysis of your chosen organisation. You should follow the conventions outlined at the virtual workshops to undertake this analysis and present the results visually, in no more than three figures/graphs. [30 marks]

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Further guidance:
The question restricts the presentation to three visuals. It your choice how you choose to populate these spaces. If you provide more than three visuals, only the first three will be marked.
Do not provide your calculations for the ratios. You are being assessed on your ability to utilise financial ratios (most of which are publicly available) to help the reader understand various aspects of your chosen organisations’ performance.

The choice of ratios, duration, and reference base are all choices you should make.
No individual guidance will be extended for this part of the question since the
assignment tests your ability to represent financial performance as per guidance provided at the virtual workshop.

You can choose to undertake the analysis on the entire organisation or a sub-set of it (e.g., business unit, geography etc.) depending on data availability and other criteria unique to your organisation, and your role in it.

You may choose a different organisation to your current one should you encounter obstacles in satisfying the above requirements.

Nowhere in this question do you need to provide an interpretation of performance through your chosen ratios. The rationale being that you have a choice over which data you choose to present, and to exclude, so bias exists. Hence the focus is on presenting performance information for the reader to interpret, not yourselves.

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