MECH 3019 Part Time Assignment March 2023 Configuring Network Routers Build the network shown on packet tracer and document each of the steps, with screen shots in a word document.

MECH 3019 Part Time Assignment March 2023

Configuring Network Routers

Build the network shown on packet tracer and document each of the steps, with screen shots in a word document. Each step should be clearly marked/numbered in your Microsoft Word report.

Step 1: Network Topology (15%)

a.      Build the network as shown using packet tracer.

b.      Subnet your allocated IP address range, for each of the 3 networks, using fixed size sub netting.

Step 2: Configure an IP address

on PC-A and PC-C (5%).

a.      Select a suitable IP Address and mask for your PCs

b.      Assign the IP address and subnet mask to the PC in windows.

Step 3: Configure basic router settings (20%).

a.      Connect to your building router using the CLI and set hostnames as your student number (b123456_R1)

b.      Configure suitable IP Addresses on your routers interfaces.

c.      Test connectivity on each individual link using the PING command to show that each interface has an IP Address and is correctly configured.

Step 4: Configure OSPF router settings (20%).

a.      Enable OSPF routing protocol on building router (see lab sheet 7)

b.      Advertise your directly connected networks to the building router (see lab sheet 7)

c.      Demonstrate that your building router is now neighbors with the campus router. (see lab sheet 7)

Step 5: Test end-to-end connectivity (10%).

Verify using ping at the command prompt that the two end PCs can communicate across the network.

MECH 3019 Part Time Assignment March 2023

Step 6: Reflection (30%)

a)     Explain why routing needs to be configured on both the routers? What problem is it solving?

b)     Explain the benefits of OSPF over Static Routing?

c)      Explain how redundancy could be added to this network, what would need to be modified.


a)     Clearly explain and document steps 1-6 above in your report.

b)     Upload both your word document report and packet tracer file to moodle.

c)      Clearly include the configuration information for both your routers as an appendix in your report. The “show run” command will generate this information on the command line.