Medical Technology is a technology which helps in diagnosing diseases and improves a person’shealth. This technology has been used worldwide with its vast number of benefits. Products suchas tongue depressors, thermal sensors such as thermometers, insulin pumps etc. have helpedpatients widely. Pacemakers (A device used to control heart beat) are used to save patient’s lives.Medical devices treat patients with high accuracy and help to overcome illness

Medical Technology is a technology which helps in diagnosing diseases and improves a person’shealth. This technology has been used worldwide with its vast number of benefits. Products suchas tongue depressors, thermal sensors such as thermometers, insulin pumps etc. have helpedpatients widely. Pacemakers (A device used to control heart beat) are used to save patient’s lives.Medical devices treat patients with high accuracy and help to overcome illness, thus improvingone’s quality of life. It is a global gift for the patients to diagnose their disease with these highmedical technology devices. Some top medical technologies that came into light in 2022 are mRNA Technology, a technology where new vaccines for COVID 19 had extensively used thistechnology. mRNA Technology has shown up as an alternative to the traditional vaccineapproach and cost-effective. mRNA is abbreviated as messenger ribonucleic acid that carriesinformation of genes. These vaccines provide codes to produce virus-related proteins. Once theproteins are created, the body can produce an immune response. The vaccines related to COVID19 mRNA species have developed from cancers. Protein encoded enables the development ofvarious treatments when there is a drug based reaction. The antibodies which are producedoutside the body system are seen to be more efficient and costly at the same time.

Another is Neurotechnology, it is a study to understand brain functions, processes, control and repair.Components comprise computers, and electrodes to analyze electric pulses running through thebody. It has been used for visualizing images of brains, which records the magnetic fieldselectrically in the brain and to monitor or control brain activity. There is a device that is insertedinto the human brain and then we can analyze and record activities of the brain. This isperformed before transmitting to the computer wirelessly. It is one of the most widely usedmedical technologies.

Artificial Intelligence, in the healthcare industry is one among thecommonly used technologies worldwide. This technology is used in detecting disease at an initialstage to give an accurate diagnosis. For instance, the application of AI in the treatment of breastcancer eliminates the need for biopsies. AI monitors early-stage heart disease and identifies fatalissues at an early stage.